Infant botulism linked to honey lollipops


The US Food and Drug Administration warns parents that it is dangerous to give honey to babies. Four babies using lollipops containing honey were admitted to Texas hospitals and diagnosed with botulism.

The lollipops were purchased in Mexico, but are available in the United States from online retailers.

»RELATED: FDA reminds parents not to give honey to babies

What is infant botulism?

Infant botulism, which affects infants less than 12 months of age, is a rare but serious gastrointestinal condition caused by exposure to Clostridium botulinum spores. According to the Mayo Clinic, these spores develop and multiply in the infant's stomach, producing a dangerous toxin.

"Symptoms of botulism usually start with weakness in the muscles that control the eyes, face, mouth and throat," says the Atlanta-based Center for Disease Control and Prevention on its website. "This weakness can spread to the neck, arms, torso and legs."

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Babies with botulism may be lethargic, poorly nourished, constipated, and weakly screaming.

If it is not treated, the disease may progress and the symptoms may worsen. The disease can also significantly weaken the muscles involved in the baby's breathing, which can lead to death.

The CDC recommends consulting your doctor or going to the emergency department immediately if you or someone you know has symptoms of botulism.

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The disease is usually treated in the intensive care unit, where doctors will try to limit the influence of the toxin on the body. An antitoxin is usually given and most infants recover fully.

Why is honey considered dangerous for babies?

Honey is a known source of spores behind infant botulism (Clostridium botulinum). The CDC warns against feeding honey to children under 12 months of age.

Learn more about botulism at

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