Infant dies one day after having meningitis symptoms, according to one family


The bereaved family of a four-month-old Virginia boy who died just one day after showing symptoms of meningitis talks about vaccines after doctors told him that he was probably infected with a unvaccinated individual.

Killy Schultz, who died on June 30, reportedly developed a rash and reportedly had a fever after her mother took her to daycare.

"He had just eaten his bottle for the afternoon," says Alex Dempsey. said WTVR. "It was a little hot but we thought it was a hot day so bring it home and let it cool off."

Dempsey, who is engaged to her son's father, Gabriel Shultz, said his son had monthly vaccinations two days before. When her condition did not improve with Tylenol, Dempsey and Shultz took their son to the emergency room. Test results suggest meningitis


Bacterial meningitis can be serious and cause death in as little as a few hours, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Those who recover may suffer from permanent disabilities, including brain damage, hearing loss, and learning disabilities. Babies have an increased risk of infection and typical symptoms can be difficult to detect.

The CDC recommends that adults and children receive vaccines against three types of bacteria that can cause meningitis.

"By the time they said meningitis, I knew that there was a strong possibility that we were going to lose it. Mom of the time said WTVR. "They told us that we were going to knock on the window when it was going to get there or not, but since it was only 4 months old, it did not really have an immune system to help us. it."

The state health department would investigate, and Dempsey said that anyone who came in contact with his son was ordered to take antibiotics, including his son's daycare . A GoFundMe page has been set up to help the family pay funeral expenses.

"If something comes out, we want people to know that vaccinations can prevent such things," Dempsey said. "Vaccines are not just for children, they are also for adults.He was just a baby, so he really had no chance."

Dempsey, who said that his son was swollen and unrecognizable, said on Facebook that her family has been attacked since she shared her tragedy.

"So, this will be my last post on this profile for a little while," Dempsey said Thursday. "With all the coverage and harassment we have received, there has not yet been time to cry properly."

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