Infinity War Concept Art reveals that Thor had almost a gun in place of his storm breaker


Thor was one of the biggest characters in Avengers: Infinity War, and he spent a lot of his time in the movie trying to forge a weapon that could potentially kill Thanos. This weapon ended up being Stormbreaker, an incredibly powerful ax (but also a hammer?) That helped give Thor some of the most difficult moments of the movie. But Thor could have ended up with a weapon instead, as revealed by the conceptual art of superhero super-production.

The art book for Avengers: Infinity War will be on the shelves next week, but some people have already got their hands on and share all the alternative designs of the characters. We have already seen different costumes for Spider-Man, but he was not the only character in the movie. War of Infinity This is Marvel's biggest film to date, and there are hundreds of sets and costumes that have not been used for the film.

A Twitter user shared several pages of different costume designs from Thor, some of them varying a lot from what was final. Rather than showing Stormbreaker, some of these designs show Thor with a gun, suggesting that another weapon was being considered for him. These are only concept images, it's hard to say if this weapon would have been in place or in addition to Stormbreaker. But it is not every day that we see Thor accumulating heat.

Although the gun itself is an interesting choice for Thor, I think they made the right choice by giving him Stormbreaker. After all, it's pretty hard to get a gun back after throwing it. Fans can also see other looks on Stormbreaker, which also featured a few different models. Some of them make it look like an ax.

There are also several different costumes for Thor, all more fascinating than the others. They all vary enormously from what was chosen for the film, which was ultimately a basic but familiar look. If I did not know that it was Thor 's drawings, I would have thought that it was characters from another franchise. The white outfit is pretty crazy, but this sleeveless feather duster could be my favorite.

Due to a leak of promotional material, we know that Thor may have a new Avengers brand suit in the future, but we will not know it before. Avengers 4 arrives in theaters May 3, 2019. It is one of the most anticipated movies of the year. So make sure you get the most out of our guidebook What we know so far For everything you should have on your radar for next year, check out our movie release schedule. in 2019.

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