Infinity War fan theory reveals the real villain of the movie


Stones of Infinity are an important part of Avengers: Infinity War. Although Thanos and his plan to gather the six and use them to eliminate half of life in the universe is central to most of the film's history, it is the stones that make up the central part of the villain's plan.

But what happens if Thanos himself is not really the bad guy and the Infinity Stones, especially the Mind Stone? This is the theory of a fan of Infinity War on Reddit. The user "zaneman777" recently posted that it is not Thanos who is the big villain of the film world of Marvel, but the Mind Stone in almost every franchise film. You can consult the complete theory below.

(MCU) The real villain in Infinity War is the mental stone. of r / FanTheories

The general idea of ​​the theory is that the mindstone is the real brain (yes, pun) behind the plan to kill half of the universe and that it manipulates every person who possesses it and influences those who surround it. Admittedly, it's an interesting thought and there are compelling points that the theory brings, particularly with the way Thor is troubled by Loki's behavior in The Avengers. The vision is really the only character that does not seem to have a negative impact from the Mind Stone, although others in the thread suggest that Vision was somehow exempt from corruption because it was created specifically for malicious purposes and using the stone of the mind, this evil has been reversed.

It's an interesting theory, and while it sounds a bit exaggerated, it's only the latest in a long series of reflections with fans trying to figure out who or what the real villain of War of infinity it's true. Since the release of the film, fans are wondering who or what is the real "evil" of War of infinity and although most seem to recognize that Thanos is the big bad guy, there are those who have suggested that Star-Lord / Peter Quill or Thor are the real bad guys thanks to their inability to stop Thanos, even those who are willing to say so Thanos, from a certain point of view, is a hero and therefore not the bad guy – including Kevin Smith. Smith recently explained on an episode of his Fatman on Batman (now Fatman beyond) podcast that there is a case for Thanos as a hero because he has only erased half of the universe instead of breaking everything.

"Controversial choice, Thanos." From a certain point of view, he is a hero, Smith said. "He could have literally wiped everyone out in the blink of an eye – I'm calling this pity."

No matter who – or what – the "real" villain of Infinity War is, half of the universe is still gone, and the heroes will have a huge task ahead of them when Avengers 4 will arrive in theaters next year.

What do you think? Could the stone of mind be the real bad guy? Let us know in the comments below.

Avengers 4 should arrive in theaters May 3, 2019.

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