Infinity War 'online on Netflix next month


Netflix still has broadcast rights on Avengers: Infinity War and the service announced the release date of the film: December 25. Netflix announced the news via NX, its Twitter account linked to science fiction, Monday afternoon. The film is currently available on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD, but will be free for Netflix subscribers in a month.

Netflix's deal with Disney ends in 2020. No Marvel movies released in 2019 will be streamed on Netflix, which means you're not counting on Captain Marvel of arrival. It's still unclear when Disney's new standalone streaming service, Disney +, will be launched, although the company estimates "late 2019". It is unclear when fans can expect new titles (such as the one mentioned above. Captain Marvel or Avengers 4) arrive on the new service. Disney + will be available worldwide.

Avengers: Infinity War debuted in April 2018 and ended its run with more than $ 2 billion at the box office. The film brought together just about all the heroes of the Marvel film universe in an attempt to defeat Thanos, but the efforts deployed have resulted in a disaster that will reverberate in the future. Avengers 4, should arrive in cinemas on May 3, 2018.

falcon series and solider winter marvel disney Bucky and Falcon, Captain America's two best friends, will receive their own series on Disney's streaming service. wonder

Regarding other Marvel films to broadcast for free, The Iron Man 2 arrives on Amazon Prime on December 25th. Spider-Man 3, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Dr. Strange, Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther are all currently streaming on Netflix. After the death of Stan Lee, Netflix honored his life by adding an Easter egg to the navigation system. Type "Excelsior" in the search bar and the service will automatically filter all Marvel content.

Disney already has some Marvel broadcasts online for the streaming service. The company announced a solo series for Loki and Scarlet Witch, the last of which will also feature Vision. There is also a series featuring Falcon and Winter Solider.

It does not look like Marvel SHIELD agents will go from ABC to Disney +, because the series has just been renewed for a season 7. Marvel also canceled Luke Cage and Iron fist, two of their original five shows on Netflix. We still do not know what Marvel plans to do with his original Netflix universe in 2019.

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