Influenza vaccines recommended before the flu season: is it time to vaccinate?


Is it time to get vaccinated against the flu or is it still too early? Some people are already lining up before the recommended vaccination in late October. ( LuAnn Hunt | pixabay )

It takes two weeks for the body to develop immunity after receiving the flu shot. Is it already time to get vaccinated against the flu?

Flu vaccine before the flu season

The 2017-2018 Influenza Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) summary describes it as a very serious season with high rates of outpatient and emergency services related to influenza-like illnesses. . It is true that there were more than 30,000 laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalizations between October 1 and April 28, 2018 and 180 pediatric deaths as of August 25, 2018.

We can not deny that the previous flu season was particularly disastrous, so it is already time to get vaccinated for the next influenza season? Based on CDC recommendations, the end of October is the perfect time to get vaccinated because it takes about two weeks for the body to develop the antibodies that protect against the flu and the immune response developed tends to decrease over time. . Getting the vaccine at the end of October means that the body is still highly protected by the time the flu season peaks in the fall.

That said, it is not too early to get vaccinations sooner, especially if there is a chance that you will not get it in October for one reason or another. In addition, vaccinations will continue to be available even when the flu season has already arrived. It is still possible to get vaccinated.

However, the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) advises all children from six months to eight years of age to get the vaccine as quickly as possible because they need two doses of the vaccine, to be given 28 days apart.

Why get vaccinated?

Millions of people get the flu each year and, as seen during the previous influenza season, even those who are considered healthy can still get sick and die of the flu.

The reason people have to be vaccinated each year is that the immune response to vaccination tends to decrease over time, so annual vaccination is needed for optimal protection. In addition, the formulation of the vaccine itself has been reviewed and updated annually in response to the constant evolution of influenza viruses.

In fact, in 2016-17, the flu vaccine prevented 5.3 million cases of influenza, 2.6 million influenza-related medical visits and 85,000 influenza-related hospitalizations. As such, children, adults and seniors are invited to get the flu shot.

Although the flu vaccine is not a perfect defense against the flu, it is still the best way to protect against flu.

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