Influenza vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalization in pregnant women


Pregnant women undergo changes in their organs and immune systems that leave them open to serious influenza infections.

Now, an international study shows that influenza vaccines can help them stay out of the hospital.

In recent years, about half of pregnant women reported receiving a flu shot.

However, research in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases reports that influenza vaccines could reduce their risk of hospitalization by about 40%.

Based on the medical records of 2 million pregnant women, the researchers found that the vaccine was effective regardless of the quarter and also protected people with other conditions, such as asthma and diabetes .

During the study, 80% of the subjects were pregnant during part of the influenza season, which suggests that future mothers will probably be confronted with the flu throughout their pregnancy.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who co-authored the study, said the influenza vaccines were performing well in safety for pregnant women, but added that they should not not receive the nasal spray vaccine.

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