Injured parent can mean sleepless nights for kids


FRIDAY, Nov. 2, 2018 (HealthDay News) – Children are at increased risk for sleep disturbances when a parent is seriously injured, especially if he suffers from brain injury and pain. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a new study reveals.

Researchers used US military health system records to identify more than 485,000 children with more than 272,000 parents seriously injured in combat or in daily life.

Common injuries to parents were brain or battle injuries. The children in the study were up to 18 years old, with an average age of 7 years.

Overall, children were 17% more likely to receive ambulatory care for sleep disorders after a parent 's injury. Adolescents had a 37% increase in the number of visits to a sleep specialist after a parent's injury.

Many teens already have sleep problems due to changing body clock, puberty and high school difficulties, said Dr. Saira Ahmed, author of the study, resident in pediatrics at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. in Bethesda, MD.

According to the study, children of parents with both brain damage and post-traumatic stress had a 48% increase in the number of visits to a sleep specialist. His presentation is scheduled for Sunday at the National Conference of the American Academy of Pediatrics, in Orlando, Florida.

When a parent is suffering from a serious injury, this can alter the child's daily routine and he or she may witness pain and recovery from his parents, said Ahmed in a statement. Press.

"It is imperative that medical providers discuss their children's sleep with their parents and consider sleeping in the care plan for children of injured parents," she said.

Until published in a peer-reviewed journal, research presented at meetings should be considered preliminary.

More information

BrainLine offers a family member tips to help children cope with a head injury.

SOURCE: American Academy of Pediatrics, press release, November 2, 2018

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