Inside a deep space habitat to take astronauts on Mars


"We would use lunar habitat to prove the technology to serve as a habitat base for future deep space missions beyond the moon," Hauf told CNBC Make It. "Everything for the NextSTEP contract is to validate the technologies to eventually go to Mars.Cislunar, or something around the Moon, is a perfect test ground because it still presents challenges of communication delay and radiation orbit.

"In addition, with a sustained presence on the Moon, it will serve as a stop for longer missions, and we like to call it a" spaceport "- like an airport – for other destinations," he adds. -he.

Living in space requires special technologies for everyday activities.

"It's easy to take things for granted when you live at home," said Bill Pratt, Lockheed Martin's NextSTEP program director, in a July statement announcing the prototype's development. "Something as simple as calling your family is completely different when you are out of the low Earth orbit.

"While building this habitat, we need to operate in a different state of mind, which looks more like long journeys to Mars, to ensure their safety, health and productivity."

Habitat in the deep space has specific regions to meet the special needs of astronauts.

"There is storage space for food and other essentials, a sleeping area for the crew, a robotic workstation, a fitness area and space for other scientific experiments. to other low Earth orbit systems, part of the storage would therefore have a dual purpose of protecting against radiation, "Hauf told CNBC Make It.

Here are pictures of the Lockheed Martin Deep Space Module under construction at the Kennedy Space Center in Orlando, Florida.

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