Inside Episode Twitter War by Debra Messing and Susan Sarandon


Two years after Debra Messing and Susan Sarandon made the headlines with their quarrel on Twitter in the months leading up to the 2016 election, it does not seem that tensions have subsided between the two actresses.

The long-running feud between Messing and Sarandon was recently relaunched when Messing, 50, tweeted "STFU SUSAN" earlier this week after Sarandon, 71, said: Variety that she thought that Donald Trump's presidency had inspired more women to run for office.

"STFU SUSAN," tweeted Messing. "Oh yes, PLEASE leave the credit to Trump. I mean, otherwise, how can you go out on the street? Do you convince yourself that this DISASTER for a President you said was better than [Hillary Clinton] DO NOT tear children away from parents who ask for asylum.

Sarandon replied, writing "Debs, before you become all the righteous yourself, try to click on the video and listen to what I'm really saying, not the @ Variety clickbait title."

RELATED: Debra Messing and Susan Sarandon Spar on Twitter during the presidential election – and the beards continue to come

Women continued to hit each other through retweets. Messing retweeted a tweet that said:[Sarandon] seems perfectly happy about the suffering of others. Children in cages.

Messing also retweeted another answer that Hillary Clinton deserved praise for getting more women to run, not Trump.

"Every time Hillary Clinton ran, she inspired more women to run. Whenever Hillary Clinton fought for civil rights, she inspired more PoC to run. To give honor to a man for the achievements of a woman is one of the basic principles of the Patriarchate.

Sarandon continued to stand up for his comments to Variety, writing, "I understand why @ Variety's clickbait title would be disturbing, but after watching the video, you'll see that's not what I said. Now that you get angry, use this energy to call Collins, Murkowski and the Dem Senators still on the fence and tell them to #StopKavanaugh, "referring to the confirmation hearings underway for the new Supreme Court justice.

Although their tweets have multiplied in recent days, the quarrel between the two actresses began more than two years ago. In the run-up to the 2016 elections, Sarandon (a supporter of Bernie Sanders) said on MSNBC All with Chris Hayes"I think a lot of people are like," Sorry, I can not bring myself to vote for [Hillary Clinton]"Some people think that Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately if he goes in. Things will really explode."

RELATED VIDEO: Susan Sarandon was arrested while she was protesting Trump's immigration policy in Washington

Messing, a partisan supporter of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, criticized Sarandon on Twitter, writing: "Susan Sarandon thinks Trump prezcy wud would be better in the country than Hillary. If she said that if she was poor, gay and Muslim or immerse.

Sarandon took Twitter after the MSNBC 2016 interview to clarify that she would never vote for Trump, but Messing went on to call the actress for not clearly disavowing Trump.

Sarandon replied that she was tweeting to defend "self-employed, independent voters and novice voters who would not vote if it was not for Sanders and whose interests HC does not represent, is a dilemma".

Messing then continued to respond to Sarandon in a long Twitter feed, starting with "Your position, as a long-time advocate 4 of underrepresented people, is what matters to me."

Even Rosie O'Donnell, among other celebrities, got involved in the 2016 Twitter quarrel, tweeting Messing, a Huffington Post article titled "Why Susan Sarandon is right on Hillary."

Their quarrel continued only once the election was over. After the 2016 election, Sarandon tweeted that Clinton voters should "talk to those who voted for it. We can not afford a general judgment about them. We need allies in this camp. Possible."

Messing, indignant, replied to Sarandon's tweet after the elections were written: "Now she wants to give racists, islamophobes, homophobes, sexists and mysogynists a chance!

Sarandon was a vocal critic of the Democratic Party for years, while Messing was a staunch supporter of Clinton throughout his failed campaign.

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