Inside Rob Kardashian's weight loss journey and a healthier life since it came out of the limelight


Rob Kardashian has been booming since his withdrawal from social media and reality TV.

On Tuesday, a source told ET that the former 31-year-old The amazing Kardashian family Star has lost about 30 to 50 pounds since he weighed his heaviest weight, and has taken his life back for the sake of his 1 year old daughter, Dream.

According to the source, Rob has made great strides not only in his health but also in his personal relationships. The source said Rob had improved his parenting relationship with his ex-fiancée, Blac Chyna, and spent a lot of quality time with his sisters – Kourtney, Kim and Khloe Kardashian, as well as Kendall and Kylie Jenner.

"His life is completely different now," said the source.

Let's take a look at the evolution of Rob's life since his break.

His relationship with Chyna:

Rob retired from the spotlight after his very public fight with Chyna, 30, last July. The two men exchanged heated accusations against each other in a spirited war between NSFW's social networks, accusing each other of fraud. Rob also shared nude pictures of Chyna, which resulted in him obtaining a restraining order against him and filing a lawsuit.

In an interview with ABC News last July, Chyna spoke about the incident.

"I was devastated, of course," she said. "I thought to myself" How could anyone, for example, post these pictures of me? "And I'm like," Wow, OK. "It's a person I trusted."

"I felt betrayed," she added. "He does not respect me, if you can not respect me, you must respect the law."

However, Chyna's lawyer, Lisa Bloom, said that the former stripper was not trying to get Dream away from his father.

"Chyna is not worried that Dream is with Rob," Bloom said at ET at the time. "She said that he was a good father, there are nannies when the baby is with him and she has no reason to worry.We did not ask to what the baby is part of the measure of restraint.We just want it to stay away from it and stop cyberbullying. "

But in September of the same year, the two men were able to conclude a custody agreement. "Chyna is thrilled that Rob has agreed to peacefully co-manage Dream with her, as she has been asking from the beginning," Bloom said in a statement.

Although Chyna filed a lawsuit last October against the Kardashian family for "dirty-mocking social media" and canceled the project E! reality show Rob & ChynaIn March, it seemed like Rob and she were on good terms. Chyna wished Rob a happy 31st birthday on Instagram with a nice family photo of the three.



In an interview with DailyMailTV earlier this month, Chyna said she did not regret her stormy relationship with Rob.

"I would not change anything to Rob and Chyna because it was our reality, the good ones, the bad ones and all the rest," she said.

"You can look in [Dream’s] and just say that she is made of love, "she added. She is, like, perfect. "

Interestingly enough, she did not close the door one day while reconciling with Rob.

"Yes, maybe we'll see … okay?" she answered a question about a possible meeting between the two.

His weight:

Fans were shocked by Rob's weight gain in 2014 when he was photographed en route to Italy for Kim's wedding with Kanye West – which he did not finish because of his insecurities avowed on his appearance.

"I was preparing my suit in Paris just before the wedding and I just was not comfortable," he said later. People. "I'm 6" and at most, I probably weighed 300 pounds. "

He also explained why he had stopped filming KUWTK.

"I did not want photographers to follow me, so I made sure I was away from it all," he said. "I am very good to disappear."

In November 2015, Rob's mother, Kris Jenner, broke down in tears during an episode of KUWTK while discussing Rob's health.

"I have the impression that if I do not help him to do something radical, he will die," she told Kim and Kourtney. "He has always been a very athletic athlete who has grown, and he has gained more than 20 kilos in the past year, he does not want to participate, he does not come out of the house, he missed Christmas, he missed Kim's wedding. " "

"He obviously has a kind of depression," Kim said. "He's the king of excuses … I'm the only one who's really hard on him, so he probably avoids me the most."

However, in March 2016, Khloe told ET that Rob "was doing really well" and that he was really working on his health.

"He's doing very well and he's healthy, which I'm so excited about," Khloe said. "I just want everyone to be happy and healthy – that is, like, the goal of life … You have to make the trip when it's on your time and for you – you can not do it for anyone else, and that's what's important in life? "

In May 2016, Rob had revealed that he had already lost a lot of weight, sharing side-by-side photos of himself on Instagram, which looked particularly well-fitting.

"I still have a lot of work to do and weight to lose but I am happy to improve it," he wrote.

In November of the same year, Kourtney and Khloe proudly posted a video of him on Snapchat working with them.

Our source says that these days he has managed to control his health by working with professionals, exercising and eating well.

"Getting out of the spotlight was so important to Rob," the source said. "He needed to completely change his life, things were getting out of control, his health and relationships were suffering. He needed to refocus.

His relationship with his sisters:

Rob does not always hear with his famous brothers and sisters, especially Kim. In March 2015, Rob called him "the b ** ch of Missing girl"on Instagram.

"Everyone licks Rob is a ** and does what he says," Kris said frankly to Kris during an episode of KUWTK in April 2015. "It's like, at some point, you just had to give in. We're all simplifying his life."

"We will not serve it anymore, but it must be all of us," she said, also calling it "pathetic".

But the brothers and sisters seemed to turn the page after Rob became a father. Kim recently shared a video of herself on Snapchat in her garage, and last November Kim shared a sweet birthday message for Dream on her website. "I can not believe you're 1 today," she wondered. "North and Saint are so blessed to have such amazing cousins ​​with whom to grow.I love you so much, beautiful girl!"

Clearly, Kim's kids are close to Dream.

Another close relationship that Rob apparently repaired is Khloe's. Rob actually spent Valentine's Day with Kris, Kim and Khloe this year.

In November 2015, Khloe admitted to having "baby" in his memory, Rob. Strong seems better naked.

"I was doing everything in my power to try to help her, and my entire family accused me of being a facilitator," she wrote. "I was the only one to be there for him," I said, "they did not care, none of that was true, of course, they did not care."

"I was constantly watching him, assuring him that he had the food that he liked, saw if he needed something at the store, asking him what I could do to put it more comfortable, "she recalls. "My sisters said that I gave birth to him and that he would never leave the house if I did not let him fend for himself, I quarreled with them because it was an emotional problem, and emotions tend to confuse your thinking. "

Finally, she came to the conclusion that Rob needed to help himself.

"I love him and he knows I love him, but he fell into a dark and deep place and could not find his way back," she wrote. "He will make changes in his life when he is able to motivate himself, and although I would like to be able to light that fire for him, I now see that the chances of that happening are minimal."

But these days, our source said that although it was a day when Rob had just left home, he had been seen much more often and seemed happy and cheerful. According to the source, Rob spent a lot of time with his sisters and their children.

"All the cousins [Dream and Rob’s sisters’ kids] are very close, "said the source.

Earlier this month, Khloe organized a "Cousin Cake Feast" for the 6-month-old daughter's True, which included Dream. The invaluable group photo also included Stormi, Kylie's 8-month-old daughter, and the youngest children of Kim, Saint and 2, and Chicago.

To be a father to dream:

Despite his personal difficulties, Rob has always seemed to be a passionate father for Dream. Although Rob has deleted his Instagram account and rarely posts on Twitter, his personal messages are focused on the time spent with his daughter.

In June, Khloe compared Rob's parental role to their late father, the famous lawyer Robert Kardashian.

"My brother Rob looks like my father in many ways: his sense of humor, his silly nature, his love for the family and his respect for his family," she wrote in a blog about her website. "My dad would do anything for his kids and my brother would be the same for Dream, I'm so proud of him!"

These days, our source noted that Rob had "his priorities in check".

"First of all, he is here for Dream and he knows that to do this, he must be in good health," said the source.

In February, Khloe commented on Rob's weight on his E! show, Vengeance Corps with Khloe Kardashian. Look below:

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