Instagram fertility blogger Vanessa Fernandez Arango dies during a cesarean


A Spanish woman who documented her pregnancy on Instagram died during an emergency Cesarean section.

Vanessa Fernandez Arango, 30, had shared her experiences in planning the birth of her baby with 6,000 followers since obtaining the positive result of the pregnancy test.

Ms. Arango and her husband, Jonathan Garcia, had suffered from fertility problems, including two ectopic pregnancies, before announcing her pregnancy in May.

Ms. Arango shared the couple's enthusiasm for the imminent arrival with her supporters, but she did not fear the not so good step, as a recent diagnosis of gestational diabetes.

On September 3, her husband recounted the announcement that Ms. Arango had fainted at breakfast and subsequently died at an emergency Cesarean section.

"They took us by ambulance to the hospital and there they had to do an emergency caesarean section," Garcia wrote.

"The baby is in a very serious condition at the USI and my wife has suffered a cardiac arrest that she could not overcome.

"I'm sending this because my wife was very caring and I think the least I can do is say goodbye to her as she would have liked."

Ms. Arango's baby survived the procedure and improved in an intensive care unit. The couple named him Alvaro.

"He still has many tests and will continue for a while in intensive care, but it's a small step," said Mr. Garcia.

"I would never have imagined that a farewell message in his honor would have led to such an avalanche of support … I want you to know that I will continue his dream of helping you." Other couples. "


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