Instagram influencers make us feel like big slobs


Do you want to boost your self-esteem? Be skeptical about perfect selfies.

According to a new study published in Body Image magazine, women who believe that other people's Instagram photos have been modified or modified to make the subject more sexy are more likely to reject the negative idea that finer bodies are better.

Researchers at Ohio State University recruited 360 students and asked each volunteer to review an Instagram photo collection of slim bikini girls, shorts and other skimpy clothes. For half of the volunteers, the images were accompanied by disclaimers stating that the photos had been retouched or filtered. The other group of volunteers received the same images without any warning.

After looking at the pictures, we asked all the women if they agreed with the following statement: "Thin women are more attractive than other women." Women informed of the photo are much less likely to agree.

Given the results, it might not be hard to assume that almost all selfies are artificially enhanced – the practice is now de rigueur among Instagram influencers.

In a statement from the Ohio State, the study's lead author, Megan Vendemia, expressed hope that the research will strengthen women's confidence in their social media thread.

"Women see edited photos as less authentic and this reduces the negative effects these images can have on them," she says. "They know that online images may not reflect an offline reality."

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