Internet reacts at first sight to Henry Cavill under the name of Geralt of Rivia


In my opinion, Henry Cavill here looks like a snacks right in the first look like him The witcherGeralt of Rivia. Other people on the internet do not agree.

Fans are eager to take a look at one of Netflix's upcoming events. The witcher series since his announcement, all the more so as they were already skeptical about Cavill's cast, as well as to the rest of the team behind. They had a taste this morning, when Netflix released this Cavill screen test in costume on their Twitter account:

From my point of view, Cavill really looks hot like Geralt, and if I mean honestly, it's the number one priority. Other fans are not so sure, especially this wig, which is pretty bad. KotakuThe editor and Witcher The superfan Riley MacLeod has said that he thought Cavill "resembles Christopher Lambert in Highlander with worried brows and sad eyes, which is not how I see Geralt, but of course I do not complain. " The witcher beyond all reason, I said that it looks like a "Zoolander scoundrel." io9 The staff members all panicked in front of the terrible Cavill wig:

The wig is really bad, but it is only a screen test. Hopefully between now and when the series will air, they will be able to find a way to mix that hair. Outraged, Game of thrones'First season had clearly about four dollars to spend in wigs, and this show went well. I think however that Geralt needs a beard. Or at least stubble.

Waiting for more news on The witcher TV show, take a look at these Internet jokes.

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