Intrepid Fox News Reporter covers closing the Red Hen restaurant for days as the world burns


Screenshot: Fox News

Doug McKelway, intrepid Fox News reporter, worked every day with his friggin pants, bravely going to the Red Hen restaurant where he politely asked press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave on Friday.

Here's what McKelway reported on Monday: "Hi Sandra, the Red Hen restaurant is closed this Monday like every Monday, there's no horde of media here, no hordes of protesters."

Here's what McKelway reported on Tuesday: "The red hen must open tonight at 5:30 pm We'll see what the day brings Sandra, back to you."

Here is McKelway live-tweeting a video of the red hen:

Here is McKelway's article on what the incident of Red Hen-Sanders has to tell about the left wing's war on civility, informed by his relentless field reporting at the restaurant:

"In the window of the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, the words of Martin Luther King Jr. are framed," writes McKelway, filtering his reports to bring to the readers the most crucial, and certainly not the only, detail that He discovered on his mission. "Love is the only force that can turn an enemy into a friend."

Stay tuned for more news from me about Doug, who stays tuned to keep us informed of what is happening at the closing (because, again, this restaurant is open only for dinner) Red Hen.

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