Invented a new way to detect explosives


Пр уо оThe researchers examined three groups of substances containing nitrogen.

Physics at the Baltic University, in cooperation with Turkish colleagues, has developed a new method for the recognition of explosive substances at checkpoints, based on research results published in the journal Chemical Physics.

"Physics, Federal Baltic University (BFU) Immanuel Kant, with colleagues from the Gebze Technical University (Turkey) has proposed a method of detecting explosives and toxic substances by nuclear magnetic resonance. The solution can be applied, for example, to checkpoints, "said the message.

How to tell scientists that the traditional method of nuclear magnetic resonance can not be used during the screening procedure because of the "complexity of the installation, its high cost and its analysis of the duration".

For this reason, Russian and Turkish scientists have developed a technique where nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) occurs in a weak magnetic field on nitrogen nuclei.

"NMR relaxometry requires a different technical approach to reduce the costs of installing and operating equipment and to speed up the process of analysis. An important advantage of the proposed approach is the analysis of relaxation signals of nitrogen nuclei, which do not depend on intermolecular interactions and weakly depend on the concentration of the substance, "says the publication.

The researchers examined three groups of nitrogen-containing substances, namely explosive liquids and flammable liquids. compounds containing the nitrate group (the nitrogen associated with three oxygen atoms), as well as toxic substances with a nitrogen atom not bound to oxygen.

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