Investing in culture to end sexual assault in politics

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State Senator Melinda Bush, State Representative Carol Ammons, Controller of Illinois Susana A. MendozaAnti-Harassment Committee, Equality and Access

In reaction to the #MeToo era, and in particular to the allegations of sexual harassment and aggression on the political scene, a panel of non-partisan women parliamentarians hopes to rewrite the rules of work. In February 2018, State Senator Melinda Bush, State Representative Carol Ammons, and State Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza formed the Anti-Harassment Task Force. Equality and access. The group has spent the last six months collecting surveys, consulting experts and visiting the state of Illinois to conduct listening sessions with hundreds of women working in the political field. These efforts formed the basis of his first report released today.

The 36-page document, which aims to serve as a roadmap for all political campaigns, provides specific anti-harassment training procedures, culture expectations at the workplace and detailed recommendations to promote women in the workplace. management positions. Specific examples include the "single demand rule", which allows peers to ask colleagues once and only once, the suggestion to monitor the alcohol consumption of team members and the direction recommendation of the team. party, to receive all complaints of misconduct. The report is very specific – for one reason – he really hopes to make the difference and reads as follows:

If we want to change culture and behavior in the long term, we need responsible processes and procedures to ensure that women of today and future generations are no longer subjected to treatment that leave them alone, ashamed or fearful. Treatment that ended or delayed careers. A treatment that allowed generations of women, especially women of color, to think that no one would believe them if they expressed themselves.

According to the women of the panel, it is not enough to talk about the problems. They must be tackled head-on, with intentional actions and proposed changes to remove the barriers, power dynamics and policies that currently hinder and in some cases even harm women in politics.

Controller of Illinois Susana A. MendozaAnti-Harassment Committee, Equality and Access

"The truth is that politics has been a man's world with men's rules for men, and if we really want to fix the culture and behaviors that underlie sexual harassment, we need to do more than just expose them. We have to change it, deliberately intentional to promote women to positions of responsibility throughout the political life and elect more women to the office who will set the new rules, "explains Controller of Illinois, Susana A. Mendoza.

It is important to note that even though each member of the group identifies with the Democratic Party, he understands that his goal is non-partisan and that the task of promoting women in politics is one side on the other side. take.

Carol Ammons State RepresentativeAnti-Harassment Committee, Equality and Access

"This is not a new phenomenon In my experience at the General Assembly, I saw men on both sides of the alley behaving inappropriately and I saw victims on both sides. the parties must take this report seriously and begin to implement the recommendations immediately, "said State Representative Carol Ammons.

The report argues that for more women to have a seat at the table, political leaders must change the way they call women to want to be there. Then, once they have arrived at this point, they must continue to work to protect and support the women who are already at the table at all costs. After being released, the organization shared the report with the political leaders of the state of Illinois and the group hopes that its content will extend far beyond the state's borders.

Illinois Senator Melinda BushAnti-Harassment Committee, Equality and Access

"We hope that the report will become a policy for political campaigns, and this report should provide a road map for best practices aimed at transforming a culture that subjects women too long to unacceptable treatment. Also hopes that this report will serve as a catalyst for women to have their own power, be in their own space and know when they report sexual harassment that they are being taken with the seriousness with which they should have always been treated. Women run for office and hold positions of responsibility in the political system and I can not wait for women to represent 50% of the representation elected in Illinois.

The report, written in a very conscious manner of the current political climate, ends on this note:

"We hope that everyone who cares about Illinois politics and our democracy reads this report, believe what these women had to sayand take our recommendations to heart. "


State Senator Melinda Bush, State Representative Carol Ammons, Controller of Illinois Susana A. MendozaAnti-Harassment Committee, Equality and Access

In reaction to the #MeToo era, and in particular to the allegations of sexual harassment and aggression on the political scene, a panel of non-partisan women parliamentarians hopes to rewrite the rules of work. In February 2018, State Senator Melinda Bush, State Representative Carol Ammons, and State Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza formed the Anti-Harassment Task Force. Equality and access. The group has spent the last six months collecting surveys, consulting experts and visiting the state of Illinois to conduct listening sessions with hundreds of women working in the political field. These efforts formed the basis of his first report released today.

The 36-page document, which aims to serve as a roadmap for all political campaigns, provides specific anti-harassment training procedures, culture expectations at the workplace and detailed recommendations to promote women in the workplace. management positions. Specific examples include the "single demand rule", which allows peers to ask colleagues once and only once, the suggestion to monitor the alcohol consumption of team members and the direction recommendation of the team. party, to receive all complaints of misconduct. The report is very specific – for one reason – he really hopes to make the difference and reads as follows:

If we want to change culture and behavior in the long term, we need responsible processes and procedures to ensure that women of today and future generations are no longer subjected to treatment that leave them alone, ashamed or fearful. Treatment that ended or delayed careers. A treatment that allowed generations of women, especially women of color, to think that no one would believe them if they expressed themselves.

According to the women of the panel, it is not enough to talk about the problems. They must be tackled head-on, with intentional actions and proposed changes to remove the barriers, power dynamics and policies that currently hinder and in some cases even harm women in politics.

Controller of Illinois Susana A. MendozaAnti-Harassment Committee, Equality and Access

"The truth is that politics has been a man's world with men's rules for men, and if we really want to fix the culture and behaviors that underlie sexual harassment, we need to do more than just expose them. We have to change it, deliberately intentional to promote women to positions of responsibility throughout the political life and elect more women to the office who will set the new rules, "explains Controller of Illinois, Susana A. Mendoza.

It is important to note that even though each member of the group identifies with the Democratic Party, he understands that his goal is non-partisan and that the task of promoting women in politics is one side on the other side. take.

Carol Ammons State RepresentativeAnti-Harassment Committee, Equality and Access

"This is not a new phenomenon: During my experience at the General Assembly, I saw men on both sides behaving inappropriately and I saw victims on both sides. should take this report seriously and start implementing the recommendations immediately, "said State Representative Carol Ammons.

The report argues that for more women to have a seat at the table, political leaders must change the way they call women to want to be there. Then, once they have arrived at this point, they must continue to work to protect and support the women who are already at the table at all costs. After being released, the organization shared the report with the political leaders of the state of Illinois and the group hopes that its content will extend far beyond the state's borders.

Illinois Senator Melinda BushAnti-Harassment Committee, Equality and Access

"We hope that the report will become a policy for political campaigns, and this report should provide a road map for best practices aimed at transforming a culture that subjects women too long to unacceptable treatment. Also hopes that this report will serve as a catalyst for women to have their own power, be in their own space and know when they report sexual harassment that they are being taken with the seriousness with which they should have always been treated. Women run for office and hold positions of responsibility in the political system and I can not wait for women to represent 50% of the representation elected in Illinois.

The report, written in a very conscious manner of the current political climate, ends on this note:

"We hope that everyone who cares about Illinois politics and our democracy reads this report, believe what these women had to sayand take our recommendations to heart. "

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