Iowa State vs. Baylor breaks out into brawl with Cyclones star RB David Montgomery ejected


No. 22 Iowa State is hosting Baylor Saturday afternoon, and things got heated between the Cyclones and Bears. 

Early in the third quarter after a run by Cyclones running back David Montgomery, a fracas broke out away from the ball. Players rushed over to break things up including Montgomery and Bears defensive lineman Greg Roberts. Montgomery pulled Roberts off the pile and away from the action, and that didn’t seem to sit well with the 6-foot-5, 264-pounder. 

The incident came one play after Baylor safety Chris Miller was assessed a 15-yard penalty for a late hit out of bounds on Montgomery. On that play, Stewart didn’t let up when the two ran out of bounds and pushed Montgomery into the Gatorade cart. Pushing and shoving ensued, and referees had to break it up.

Roberts and Montgomery were ejected for fighting, and Montgomery’s status for next weekend’s game between the Cyclones and Texas has not been determined. He finished Saturday’s game with 53 yards rushing on 11 carries to go along with 25 yards receiving on three catches.

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