Iran marks the seat of the US Embassy on the eve of sanctions


The annual gathering of Iran on the occasion of the assault on the US Embassy and the hostages of 1979 was of particular importance Sunday on the eve the renewal of sanctions by Washington.

Thousands of people took part in rallies in Tehran and other cities, carrying placards that mocked President Donald Trump, rubbing their feet with fake dollar bills and participating in the ritual the usual burning of the American flag.

The 39th anniversary of this year fell just hours before Washington decided to reimpose sanctions – including an oil embargo – following its withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal earlier this year. year.

Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the Revolutionary Guards, addressed the crowd from the premises of the former embassy, ​​now known as "Spies Den".

He added that the "economic war" was Washington's latest attempt to overthrow the Islamic republic after decades of unsuccessful attempts.

"With the help of God, the resistance and perseverance of the pious and revolutionary people of Islamic Iran, this last weapon of the enemy, the economic war, accompanied by the media operation American large-scale against the Iranian nation, will be defeated, "Jafari said.

"Never threaten Iran," he warned US President Donald Trump, describing him as "the odd president" of the United States.

The seizure of the US Embassy by radical students was a key step in the 1979 Islamic Revolution, leading to a 444-day hostage crisis that damaged relations between Washington and Tehran.

The students thought that the United States would launch a counter-coup to bring back the fallen Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi – similar to the CIA-backed coup that overthrew the elected Iranian government in 1953 – without realizing it. that the king was already seriously ill with cancer.

Several students later regretted the incident, but for the institution, it has become a powerful symbol of Iran's refusal to be dominated by outside powers, the main driving force of the revolution.

Without the embassy attack, "the revolution would not have reached its 40 years," Jafari said.

Iranian protesters burn US and Israeli flags at protest in front of the former US embassy in Tehran on November 4, 2018

Iranian protesters hold placards mocking US President Donald Trump, Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in front of the former US embassy in Tehran on November 4, 2018

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