Iran terrorist attack shows regime opponents see 'unique opportunity,' experts say


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LONDON – The crackle of gunfire has ceased to be a swirling around the world.

Militants disguised as soldiers opened fire at the procession of Iran's Revolutionary Guard while they marched through the city of Ahvaz on Saturday.

Arab separatists and the Islamic State group have both claimed responsibility for the bloodshed, while Iranian leaders implicated Gulf countries and the United States – promising a "devastating" response.

All have offered scant evidence for their accusations and claims.

Image: Iran military parade attack
Mourners carry a casket during a mass funeral Monday for those who died in the Ahvaz attack.Ebrahim Noroozi / AP

What the attack does, however, is that Iranian opponents of various stripes see this as a "unique opportunity" to further their cause, according to Sanam Vakil, an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins School of International Studies Europe.

"More people are recognizing that Iran is coming under increasing pressure," she said.

This pressure comes from a multitude of sources both abroad and at home.

President Donald Trump has taken over the Islamic Republic, pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal signed under the Obama administration.

In July, Reuters reported that Trump wants to club together with Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, to create an "Arab NATO" to Iran container.

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