Iran warns US bases and aircraft carriers are within range of missiles


Iran said US bases in Afghanistan, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and US aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf are within range of its missiles, according to a report.

Citing the Tasnim news agency, Reuters reports that comments were made Wednesday by a commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. "They are within our reach and we can hit them if they (the Americans) move," said Amirali Hajizadeh, head of the Revolutionary Guards Airspace Division.

The commander said the missiles had improved accuracy and could affect Kandahar base in Afghanistan, Al Udeid air base in Qatar and Al Dhafra base in the UAE.


The comments come as the tension rises between the United States and Iran. The Trump administration has recently reinstated the sanctions against Iran that had been lifted as part of a 2015 nuclear deal.

Photo of archive - Iranian Sejjil and Qadr-H ballistic missiles on display at Baharestan Square during Iran Defense Week in Tehran, Iran, September 25, 2017.

Photo of archive – Iranian Sejjil and Qadr-H ballistic missiles on display at Baharestan Square during Iran Defense Week in Tehran, Iran, September 25, 2017.
(Photo by Fatemeh Bahrami / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images)

The sanctions cover the maritime, financial and energy sectors of Iran. This is the second group the administration has re-imposed since Trump withdrew from the historic deal in May.

The 2015 agreement, which was signed by former President Barack Obama, granted Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief in exchange for limiting its nuclear program, which many thought would be used to develop weapons atomic. Trump repeatedly reiterated that the deal was the "worst" ever negotiated by the United States and said he had given too much to Iran for too little.


Just before the latest round of sanctions was imposed on Iran, President Trump tweeted a message inspired by "Game of Thrones". "The sanctions are coming. On November 5, he read while playing on the famous phrase "Winter is coming".

The tweet has been retweeted over 65,000 times and has collected over 199,000 "likes". However, the same has been criticized by some members of the cast of "Game of Thrones", as well as by the author of the series of books.

In the context of growing friction between Washington and Tehran, security experts have warned that Iran will intensify its cyber attacks on the United States.

Morgan Evans, Rich Edson, and Associated Press of Fox News contributed to this article.

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