Iranian oil minister calls Trump's order OPEC insulting


Iran's oil minister on Saturday accused US President Donald Trump of insulting OPEC by ordering it to increase production and reduce prices, adding Iranian oil production and exports

Trump accused on Wednesday the

"Mr. Trump sends every day to a new message that they are allied to the United States of America. creates uncertainty in the market, "Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said in an interview with state television.

" Trump's order to OPEC members to increase production is a great insult to those governments and destabilises the market. "[19659002] Iran, OPECs third-largest producer, is facing US sanctions on its oil

The United States in May said that it was an international treaty on Iran's nuclear program, and said it would impose fresh sanctions on Iran's energy sector.

South Korea halted

Iran, Iran, United States, United States of America

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