Iraq executes 12 for terrorism after ISIS captives have been found dead


  Nineveh Criminal Court, Qaraqosh

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Thousands of SII cases are tried in courts such as the Nineveh Criminal Court in Qaraqosh (above)

Iraq has executed at least 12 people convicted of acts of terrorism

On Thursday, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ordered "immediate enforcement" of death sentences pronounced against convicted terrorists

. Eight prisoners held by the Islamic State (IS) group were found on a road north of the capital Baghdad.

Human rights groups raised serious concerns about the trials of suspects and mass executions

"Based on the orders of Prime Minister Dr. Haider al-Abadi , death sentences were handed down Thursday against 12 convicted terrorists who had received their last sentence, "A message on the Prime Minister's Facebook page has been read.

According to a communiqué from the Ministry of Justice, 13 people were executed

The Iraqi government has not revealed the identity of those sentenced to death.

  • How Iraqi Courts Treat ISIS Suspects

Although Mr. Abadi announced the end of ISIL operations in December, the jihadist group continues to conduct guerrilla-type attacks in some parts of the country.

been arrested in recent years on suspicion of belonging to the IS, with an unknown number of individuals to be executed.

& # 39; Due process failure & # 39;

Nearly 700 foreign women have been charged or await trial, a German woman sentenced to death in January.

Rights groups said they were very worried about the way trials were conducted against ISIS suspects and mass executions took place. Belkis Wille, an Iraqi senior researcher at Human Rights Watch (HRW) who has been following trials in Nineveh governorate, said that – because of the slowness of the Iraqi justice system – it is unlikely that the 12 people executed were She said that anti-terrorism trials across Iraq "fundamentally failed to ensure a fair trial," with many cases relying solely on confessions from defendants without guarantee that torture was not used.

Last year, Iraq had the fourth highest number of executions in the world, after China, Iran and Saudi Arabia, according to Amnesty International.

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