Iron Man tries to stop Thanos with BARF, no time travel


It is generally believed that Avengers 4 is a movie about time travel, but could the most powerful heroes of the Earth use BARF technology to defeat Thanos?

The list of next year's MCUs is perhaps the most exciting since the launch of the entire franchise in 2008. It all starts in March with the release of Captain Marvel, first solo film directed by a woman of the MCU; then, a few months later, we will finally see how the Avengers will defeat Thanos. Avengers: Infinity WarThe end of the cliffhanger saw the crazy Titan succeed his foolish goal of erasing half of the universe's life in a snap. How can the Avengers prevent or cancel this monstrous act of galactic genocide?

Related: Avengers 4 is definitely a time travel movie

Until now, the most common theory is that Avengers will use the trip in time. But an alternative theory is gaining ground among some fans; that they use Tony Stark's B.A.R.F technology instead. Here we will critically evaluate this last idea and see if it can really compete with the concept of time travel.

The best theory of Avengers 4 is time travel – or is it?

There is abundant evidence that Avengers 4 could involve an element of travel in time. The filming photos showed characters dressed in classic versions of their costumes, most often in outfits that they wore during the New York Battle. The Avengers. Tony Stark was shown wearing the same Black Sabbath shirt as most of his films; Significantly, his face was bruised, implying that the scene unfolded immediately after the heroes repelled the Chitauri. Thor and Loki were seen in their Avengerswill be costumes, with the hair of the god of thunder to its traditional golden curls. A last batch of shooting photos showed that Captain America wore this "outdated"Unusually, however, he was standing next to an older Tony Stark, as well as Scott Lang's Ant-Man.

There have been subtle allusions Avengers 4 could revisit the events of other movies, too. In September 2017, a number of Marvel actors – including Zoe Saldana and Karen Gillen – supported a charity campaign for the victims of Hurricane Harley. They shot a short video promoting the campaign and significantly wore their 2014 costumes Guardians of the Galaxy. Meanwhile, photos taken from Durham Cathedral suggest that it would be doubled by Asgard, which seems to support the idea of ​​time travel, since Asgard was of course destroyed Thor: Ragnarok. Finally, rumors are circulating that Frank Grillo will take over the role of Crossbones, which is important considering the killing of his villain. Captain America: Civil War.

Related: Avengers 4: new costumes can prove time travel theory in the quantum realm

With the ability to travel in time on maps, attention has focused on the mechanism. Most likely is the quantum realm, a plane of reality outside the normal laws of time and space and Ant-Man & the Wasp teased that Marvel was planning to unveil a so-called "palace of memory" inside the quantum realm; by accessing that, you could change the past. Although this idea did not succeed before the final film, the post-credit scene of Ant-Man & the Wasp nevertheless revealed that there is "vortex of time"In the quantum realm It is generally thought that Ant-Man will escape the quantum realm by a time vortex and emerge five years later, where he will learn the horrors that have struck the Earth.This would explain why Marvel launched Emma Fuhrmann like an old Cassie Lang for Avengers 4. Scott probably visits the Avengers, and Tony Stark came up with the idea of ​​using the Quantum Kingdom to rewrite history, perhaps by bringing together the Infinity Stones of the past. The theory makes sense, and it brings together a lot of potential plot threads. But is there another possibility?

Related: MCU movies That Avengers May 4 revisit via Time-Travel

Are the time travel sequences B.A.R.F.

There is always an important thread in the plot; BARF. Captain America: Civil War presented to viewers one of Tony Stark's latest inventions, a virtual reality tool that he intended to use to help people cope with the trauma of the past. Stark gave him a funny name. "Binally enhanced retro-framing, or B.A.R.F … An extremely expensive method of hijacking the hippo to clear traumatic memories."Set photos of Avengers 4 showed boxes on the tray bearing labels for "B.A.R.F .." Commenting on these photos, Avengers 4 co-director Joe Russo admitted that they could be important. "True, there is a five-minute sequence in Civil War around a technology set up for a very specific reason,he observed.If you watch this movie backwards, you can have a clue as to direction."

There is no obvious reason B.A.R.F. could be connected to the journey in time. But this technology allows people to explore their own memories, which, in itself, could explain why we revisit so many past events. are the Avengers using B.A.R.F. explore the past, explore key moments in history involving Infinity Stones in order to defeat Thanos?

Related: The war of eternity is the best pretender Avengers 4 Title

On Reddit, a recent poster claimed to be part of the current campaign. Avengers 4 take pictures. According to the scenario, Ant-Man will be responsible for stealing Reality Stone in Thanos. Somewhere, he says, Iron Man and Captain Marvel combine Reality Stone with B.A.R.F. technology to rewrite reality. This is not entirely clear, and this is just a random thread of Reddit and therefore should not receive more validity than a fan theory, but it goes without saying that it is a fascinating theory. Maybe the Avengers are not traveling at all; instead, they use B.A.R.F. do something vaguely similar.

Page 2 of 2: Does this theory make sense?

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Away from Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

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