Irregular blood pressure, blood sugar can increase the risk of heart attack: 4 heart healthy foods


Here is another reason to take your routine exams seriously. It turns out that people with fluctuations in weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar are more likely to develop heart attacks, strokes, and deaths than those with more stable readings.

A significantly higher risk of death by 127%, heart attacks by 43% and stroke by 41%, was observed when researchers compared people with erratic readings to those with stable measures. The study was published in the journal Circulation

"Health care providers need to pay attention to the variability of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose measurements as well as body weight," said Seung-Hwan Lee, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of New York. Catholic University of Korea, South Korea.

"Trying to stabilize these measures could be an important step towards helping them improve their health," added Lee.

For the study, the team examined data from 6,748,773 participants who had no history of heart attack or diabetes, hypertension, or high cholesterol.

To examine the effect of variability among participants, they separately examined participants who were improved or worsened by more than 5% for each measure – stable and high.

For the study, they documented body weight, fasting glucose – glucose test, systolic blood pressure and total cholesterol records.

The results revealed that in both improved and aggravated groups, high variability was associated with a much higher risk of death.

Here are four foods that you should include in your daily diet to improve the health of your heart and promote weight loss..

1. Oats: Oat is known to contain a type of fiber that helps bind bile acids and expel them from the body. These bile acids are made from cholesterol. Oat is effective in lowering cholesterol levels in our body. It contains a lot of fiber and protein that induces satiety and promotes weight loss.

2. Walnuts: Walnuts contain large amounts of unsaturated fats that are good for the heart as they help reduce artery inflammation. Ditch your saturated fats for those healthy fats.

3. Legumes: Legumes are good for the heart and contain antioxidants, proteins and fiber. Fiber takes the longest to digest. By delaying digestion, it keeps you full for a long time, thus avoiding you gorging food that grows. Fiber also helps control your cholesterol levels.

4. Berries: The berries are full of heart-healthy phytonutrients and many soluble, heart-healthy fibers.

(With IANS entries)

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