Irrigation of crops with wastewater can spread diseases: study


One study found that farmers could unintentionally contribute to the spread of diseases such as gastroenteritis and diarrhea by irrigating crops with wastewater.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham in the UK have found that the wastewater from the canals used for urban agriculture in Burkina Faso is rich in virulent human pathogens, responsible for gastroenteritis and diarrhea – a cause deaths in low- and middle-income countries.

They studied samples of wastewater from three canals in the capital Ouagadougou, a city of 2.2 million inhabitants.

After identifying a wide range of antibiotic resistance genes in water, they concluded that the use of wastewater for urban agriculture in cities posed a high risk of spreading bacteria and bacteria. antimicrobial resistance in humans and animals.

While the urban population of sub-Saharan Africa is projected to grow from 400 million (2010) to 1.26 billion in 2050, according to UN estimates, agriculture in cities is recognized as an essential means of contribute to food security and poverty reduction.

"The use of wastewater for agricultural irrigation represents a very serious health risk, especially because it increases exposure to fecal pathogens." Sewage appears to be a "hot spot" for antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Burkina Faso, "said Laura Piddock, of the University of Birmingham. UK.

"We urgently need additional investigations to determine the extent to which exposed populations are affected by this health problem," Piddock said.

"There is also an urgent need to improve global access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in low- and middle-income countries to prevent the spread of water and sanitation. from the bacterial resistance of the environment to the population, "she said.

"Some 200 million urban dwellers would be engaged in urban agriculture around the world and, in some cases, would produce up to 90% of cities' demand for perishable vegetables, according to UN research. "said Blaise Bougnon

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