Is a spinning Heroes for Hire coming up? Jones, Iron Fist, reacts to Luke Cage's cancellation


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Mike Colter Luke Cage Superhero Regime

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As a result of the incredible news that Netflix would not only put the hand in the dough Marvel & # 39; s Iron Fistbut that would also be saying goodbye to the much more beloved series Luke Cagemany fans wondered what exactly was behind all these drastic measures.

While some (read: we) speculated that this could be part of an effort to clean the house in the vein Avengers: Infinity War, others have suspected that the series of these two heroes had been closed because Marvel and Netflix had for objective to reunite them in a kind of series totally different: Heroes for rent.

The comic book series featured the two heroes teaming up to conduct a private investigation. The timing of back-to-back cancellations convinced fans to return to the Netflix-MCU circuit for twice as much fun.

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The addition of fuel to the fire was a post on Instagram of Iron fistThe star of the film, Finn Jones, has released a picture of the hands of his character hitting his fist with Luke Cage.

On the surface, the message may seem like a simple sign of solidarity for his The defenders co-star Mike Colter, but others immediately perceived Finn's post as a clue that a Heroes for rent show could actually happen next.

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At the moment, it's an optimistic theory and Netflix has not yet officially announced Heroes for rent series. However, the streaming service made promise in his declaration of cancellation for Iron fist that "as long as the series on Netflix will be over, the immortal Iron Fist will live".

The Marvel Luke cage and Marvel & # 39; s Iron Fist are both streaming on Netflix.

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