According to Jim Carrey, the state of politics today is not funny. But that does not prevent him from attempting a timely joke that he even admits "maybe a little soon".

While accepting the Charlie Chaplin Britannia Award for humor Friday at the Beverly Hilton, Carrey joked, "I'm glad this trophy did not get to the post office." He added, perhaps half-jokingly, "I do not have parcels delivered to my house."

The laureate was referring to the 10 suspected explosive devices were sent to leaders and supporters of the Democratic Party and recovered this week.

"It's my job to try (for a joke)," he said defending himself, as award recipient Cate Blanchett said it was impossible to joke at about suspicious packages.

Carrey, a long-time critic of President Trump, who recently shared his works illustrating an explosive device in Trump's mouth, then became serious, all without mentioning the president's name.

In his speech, he talked about Chaplin, a silent film star, and compared the legendary actor's behavior to what he says is happening in America.

"Chaplin has alchemized his pain and turned it into art – an exquisite, timeless and healing art," Carrey said. "He has confronted the American right of his time, his worst evils: the hatred of immigrants, the contempt for the truth, greed and abuse of power.We are fighting against these same evils today. without conscience. "

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Then Carrey pointed out those who are doing well today.

"I would like to dedicate this prize to those who remind us of our virtues, which remind us of the truth." He recognized Charles Chaplin, Christopher Steel, Christine Blasey Ford, Colin Kaepernick and "one of my good friends and one of the greatest artists of our time, Robert De Niro, whose life was threatened this week, with many others incredibly honest bring joy to the world ".

In conclusion, Carrey acknowledged that his speech was not really funny.

"I know it was not funny, but it's not very funny at the moment, and I'm willing, and I'll be it again," he said. "Let's get the balance back, okay?"

But before the end of the evening, Carrey could not help being a little funny.

The comedian returned to the stage at the end of the show to pretend to be drunk, stumble, squeeze host Jack Whitehall and pretend to drink after his reward.

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