Is Liberal disdain for Trump harder than Conservative contempt for Obama? Baltimore Post-Examiner


WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump is despised by many Liberals just as most Conservatives scorned former President Barack Obama.

Trump has been described as racist, sexist and xenophobic. The Liberals said the same thing about their supporters.

Obama endured attacks on his legacy that challenged his birthplace and included false claims that he was Muslim. Obama was interrupted during a speech at a joint congressional session in 2009 when GOP representative in South Carolina Joe Wilson shouted, "You're lying!"

Three Trump officials were harassed at restaurants last month. At a rally last month, California Democratic Representative Maxine Waters urged the public to harass Trump administration officials spotted in public places.

Trump was president for 18 months. He has a slightly higher approval rate than Obama at nearly the same point in their presidencies, according to two polls.

But is the vitriol against Trump greater than the vitriol that was launched against Obama?

South Carolina Rep. Scandalous and unique interruption of President Obama's speech at a joint session of Congress when he shouted "19459007" You lie, & # 39; most of the nastiness received by the ex-president (Obama) was by unelected conservatives and ordinary citizens, "said Richard Vatz, who is professor of political persuasion at Towson University in Maryland. "Trump, on the other hand, repeatedly receives horrible and / or unprofessional ad hominem attacks from CNN, MSNBC and major networks, as well as major historical politicians."

Vatz added: As the administration is subject to public harassment, especially at the behest of Republican leaders or conservative media, it would have required investigation and some punishment. "

Tom DeLuca, Professor of Political Science at Fordham University of New York, "The comparison is not fair."

"President Obama has been subjected to the worst kind of racist vitriol and comments and pictures and photographs as his family was," said DeLuca. "No such thing happened with President Trump, so how do you compare that to negative comments about Trump?"

DeLuca said Trump is partly responsible for the current lack of speeches civil.

"The lack of civility we see in this administration really comes from the top … I do not remember the president [Barack] Obama speaks like that or president [George W.] Bush or president [Bill] Clinton or president [George H.W.] Bush before him. "

DeLuca pointed to the Trump campaign rallies as supporters shouted" shut up "in reference to Hillary Clinton's email scandal as an example. Trump has often encouraged crowds by diving deeper into the email scandal.

Ken Adelman, who served as an arms control advisor to President Ronald Reagan, said that Trump had spawned more vitriol than Obama

. about President Trump than Obama, since President Obama was a decent person, "said Adelman." Trump is clearly not. "

Adelman added," In a democracy, I finds inappropriate behavior. It signals the disapproval of actions like the government separating children from their parents. "

The practice of family separation is a byproduct of the Trump administration's zero tolerance policy towards those who enter the United States illegally." Under this policy, any adult crossing the border South without authorization is liable to arrest and prosecution.Adults are sent to detention centers, while the minors who accompany them are sent to public institutions or host families. Temporary until a parent or family friend in the United States can be identified with the child until his / her immigrant status is resolved. 19659002 ] Family separation took place on a smaller scale during the administrations of Obama and George W. Bush

Trump signed a decree banning family separation last month but the order was not Does not address children currently detained in DHS facilities. A federal judge issued a decision on June 26 that ordered the reunification of most undocumented families by July 26. The administration said that they will abide by the decision.

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