Is the keto diet healthy? Studies indicate that carbs last a long time


Scientists and dieticians are beginning to hear about a recipe for a long and healthy life. It's not sexy, and it's not about sophisticated pills or expensive dietary potions.

Fill your plate with plants. Include vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and legumes. Do not include a lot of meat, milk or highly processed foods that a gardener or farmer would not recognize.

"There is absolutely nothing more important to our health than what we eat every day," said Sara Seidelmann, a cardiologist and nutrition researcher at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

Seidelmann recently published a massive and successful global study of the dietary habits of more than 447,000 people worldwide. What she discovered – and what is probably not a huge surprise – is that no matter where you live or your daily diet, banning whole food groups and the possibility of cheating in good health can work for a while. could also send you to an early grave.

The popular ketogenic diet, which is to strictly limit carbohydrates to less than 50 grams a day (which is not worth more than two apples) and to live primarily high fat foods, is one of those restrictive diets may have adverse long-term consequences. .

Other low-carb weight loss diets that fall into this category include Paleo, Atkins, Dukan, and Whole 30. Nutrition experts claim that these popular diets are very difficult to follow in addition to their harmful potential.

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Some benefits of ketone are difficult to challenge. Dieting high in fat and carbohydrates can be a solid strategy for rapid weight loss and glycemic control. The keto diet can also be beneficial for children with epileptic seizures that are difficult to control. For decades, people have seen stellar results managing these conditions with a keto diet with help and advice from professionals.

But there is limited evidence that eating fewer carbohydrates could also lead to people becoming less tolerant of glucose and developing diabetes, although more research is needed.

What we do know, based on careful laboratory tests in overweight men, is that taking ketone does not necessarily help to burn more body fat than regular treatment. Instead, it forces people to significantly reduce their sugar intake (remember that sugar is 100% carbohydrate) and to reverse processed foods. These are both good habits for overall health and blood sugar levels, and they can help reduce your likelihood of developing cancer.

But like taking aspirin, eating a special diet high in fats and carbohydrates probably should not be a habit for healthy people. Our bodies are simply not designed to fuel fat unless we are literally hungry. Even Josh Ax, an evangelist from Keto, said that it was not a diet that should be followed for more than a few months at a time.

Finally, low-carbohydrate diets overlook essential nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which can be abundant in less restrictive diets containing fresh, high-carbohydrate foods such as beans, bananas, and oats. .

Other studies suggest that people who eat whole foods, rich in nutrients, live longer and have a lower risk of cancer.

Flickr / Rusvaplauke

Seidelmann was the subject of further research in August at the Congress of the European Society of Cardiology.

The researchers who presented at this conference studied the self-reported eating habits of nearly 25,000 people in the United States and compared their findings with studies of more than 447,500 people. Again, they found that those who ate a moderate amount of carbohydrate were more likely to live longer than those with low or high carbohydrate levels.

"Our study suggests that in the long run, [low-carb diets] are linked to an increased risk of death from all causes and deaths due to cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease and cancer, "said in a statement Maciej Banach, professor at the Medical University of Lodz in Poland.

A third study published this week in the journal PLOS Medicine on the eating habits of 471,495 Europeans over the age of 22 showed that people whose diets were less "nutritious" (less fresh vegetables, legumes and nuts) were more likely to develop some of the most common and deadly forms of cancer, including cancers of the colon, stomach, lung, liver and breast.

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Basically, we learn that there is no shortcut to eating healthily

It can be difficult to calculate the precise type of diet that leads to a long life. Part of the problem is that (fortunately) we are not living our lives in highly controlled laboratory conditions. Until this terrifying day arrives and we all become well-researched laboratory rats, we need to rely on long-term observation data, usually in the form of surveys, to find out. which plans are the best long-term plans.

After survey, survey data from around the world showed that people who consume limited amounts of meat, dairy products and processed foods while consuming high-fiber plant-based foods, including vegetables, whole grains and nuts. even carbohydrate-rich beans have some of the best health outcomes. Seidelmann describes their diet as being rich in "whole foods".

"They have not been treated," she said of the diet of the people in her study who lived the longest. These people would eat whole grain rice, not white varieties. They ate plants like fruits and vegetables, not more processed versions like fruit juices or smoothies.

"You have the fiber intact, you have a lot more nutrients," Seidelmann said.

Fibers are not only good for keeping your bowels moving – scientists are discovering that carbohydrates, which can not be absorbed by the body, can help protect the aging brain from some of the harmful chemicals associated with the body. Alzheimer's disease. and reduce inflammation in the intestine. They believe that the health benefits of increased fiber consumption also extend to humans.

But a high-fiber, herbal diet can be difficult to maintain with a low-carbohydrate diet, as some of the higher-fiber foods are also high in carbohydrates, such as salt beans, crisp peas, and sweet fruits .

"It's not common to eat very little carbohydrate, strictly from plant origin," Seidelmann said. "At least in the western world, it tends to be more animal-based – it's just what it is."

People on a low carbohydrate diet often turn to more butter and meat for food, which can increase blood pressure and, in the case of processed meats, contribute to cancer. Meat and dairy products can also contribute to inflammation in the body, which can help the formation and growth of cancerous tumors.

The new scientific discoveries support all that parents, trainers and coaches have been saying for years: eat less junk, and continue to be skeptical of the latest miracle diet, whether with or without other fashions.

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