Is this correct for Dick-Shame the President? – Rolling stone


Tuesday, The Guardian published extracts of a copy obtained from memories of Stormy Daniels not yet published Full disclosure, in which she describes a number of troubling events: her sexual encounter with Donald Trump in 2006; her growing disbelief as she watched him gain popularity during the 2016 primaries; she feared to be in danger as he was getting closer to the presidency; and his agreement to sign a silence agreement of $ 130,000. (Trump denied the alleged case, although he admitted to having allowed his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to pay Daniels for his silence, and Cohen later pleaded guilty to criminal charges related to the refund.)

Yet, a detail of the book guardian revealed had internet in a frenzy: Daniels' description of Trump's genitals as "like the mushroom character in Mario Kart. "Images of the character, Toad, were instantly memorized and" Mario Kart " Twitter. The reactions were a horror of having to imagine Trump's junk and make fun of such delicate details about him. But this raised a larger question: Can I shame the president?

In January, the results of Trump's physical analysis – which shows that he was suffering from obesity alone, according to the body mass index – sparked a debate over whether shame should be the order of the day. On one side, there was the argument that Trump would have shamed everyone, Miss Universe's Rosie O Donnell competitors, and that the best way to get under the skin of A vain little man was attacking his physical appearance. On the other hand, the most convincing argument is that making fun of Trump's weight on Twitter – or in an editorial he will never read – will not hurt him, but will hurt the fat people who actually see it; Tying his disdain for Trump to his weight only reinforces the negative ideas about size, related to moral failure and to fat people as unappealing. To protect and support all overweight individuals who are not trying to prevent immigration to this country or to undermine the public's trust in journalism, it is better to focus his anti-Trump sentiments on his personality and policies, not on his body.

But does the same rule apply to making fun of her penis? It is surely tempting to make fun of everything we can about the president, especially something so closely related to the ideas of masculinity and power, while his despair is so transparent. And this is not the kind of information that would circulate quietly on the Internet.

Yet, to determine if sending toad members will do more harm than good, ask if the president is likely to cause the same collateral damage as to mess it up: will the men who see the toad members feel very bad ? It is certain that insecurity of the penis is already fairly common and unfounded, and that playing on this insecurity only perpetuates the toxic masculinity that leads to violence. Imposing bodily norms and gender roles are imposed on both men and women, and feeding men's insecurities and the fear that women will laugh at them for having a small penis will only reinforce these norms. This could lead men more and more deeply to the harmful performance of hyper-masculinity to compensate, including misogyny and violence against women. So, what seems to be a harmless joke is actually part of the larger system that keeps everyone trapped by trying to measure themselves against obsolete and useless gender ideals.

The fact that penis size is so tied to the ideas of masculinity is almost more Trying to get into these jokes, knowing that the world thinking that he has a little spade could actually send Trump out of his reach. Fattening has its own cultural baggage, but it is a trait that, while despising it widely, has given way to rich men since at least King Henry VIII.

Therefore, if we want to take the high road, we probably should not laugh at the so-called president's mushroom tail. But the constant influx of horrible news from this administration is exhausting mentally and emotionally – we will likely see Brett Kavanaugh confirmed in the Supreme Court despite the charges of attempted rape, which will leave women's reproductive rights. l & # 39; balance; the children are still in cages at the border; and even at least one member of Trump's cabinet thinks he's acting "in a way that harms the health of our republic" – so if we get off the main road from time to time to reach a rare moment of lightness, can -Being it's not the worst thing in the world.

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