Isolated Hawaiian Island nearly extinct after Hurricane Walaka: NPR


Aerial view of the East Island of Hawaii after the passage of Hurricane Walaka last month. The island, home to monk seals and green sea turtles from Hawaii, has almost disappeared after the storm.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

Aerial view of the East Island of Hawaii after the passage of Hurricane Walaka last month. The island, home to monk seals and green sea turtles from Hawaii, has almost disappeared after the storm.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

A remote island in northwestern Hawaii has almost disappeared after Hurricane Walaka hit the Pacific last month, eliminating – at least for now – critical habitat for endangered species .

Only two tiny fragments of East Island have resurfaced since the Category 5 storm hit the area and washed away the 11-acre strip of sand and gravel that is part of the French frigate banks.

A view of the east of the island before Hurricane Walaka, a Category 5 storm, swept the 11-acre islet.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

A view of the east of the island before Hurricane Walaka, a Category 5 storm, swept the 11-acre islet.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

"This is without a doubt the most important nesting site for green sea turtles," said Charles Littnan, biologist with the Hawaiian Mauve Seal Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

"This is a truly powerful example of the power and potential of nature: an island was washed away overnight," said Littnan.

While the shoals of the French frigate – located about 250 km northwest of Honolulu – are the nesting site for 96% of the world's Hawaiian sea turtle population, this tiny island has hosted 50% of breeders.

The island was also home to Hawaiian monk seals, which are in serious danger of extinction. Each year, about 200 seals visit the east of the island and about 30 seals have their young, said Littnan, noting that there are only about 1,400 animals in the world.

Hawaiian green turtles basking on the beach of the East Island. The tiny island remains almost entirely under water after Hurricane Walaka hit the Pacific last month.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

Hawaiian green turtles basking on the beach of the East Island. The tiny island remains almost entirely under water after Hurricane Walaka hit the Pacific last month.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

It is difficult to know where the seals and turtles that depend on the island will go or what the long-term effects on wildlife will be.

"But in terms of timing, it could not have happened at a better time," said Littnan.

The powerful storm – one of the most violent hurricanes ever recorded in the region – hit the end of the breeding season. The NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center estimates that there remains only one monk and a monk seal monk on the island when Hurricane Walaka struck. And despite the destruction of 20% of turtle nests, Littnan confirmed that it was "a very low year for turtles".

About 120 turtles have nested this season, representing a significant decline from previous years, where 800 or more had nested on the island.

East Island is a critical habitat and breeding ground for the endangered monk seal. Scientists believe that a monk and a monk seal mother remained on the island when the Category 5 storm struck.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

East Island is a critical habitat and breeding ground for the endangered monk seal. Scientists believe that a monk and a monk seal mother remained on the island when the Category 5 storm struck.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

"Nobody expected East Island to go away so quickly," said Hawaii News Chip Fletcher, School of Ocean Science and Earth's University from Hawaii.

Randy Kosaki, Deputy Superintendent for Research and Field Operations for NOAA at the Papahanaumokuakea National Marine Monument, said that the island's flood could not be directly related to climate change, according to the Honolulu Civil Beat. However, he said, "the message is that climate change is real and is happening now".

Scientists will not know the full extent of Walaka's impact on the fauna and flora of the Hawaiian archipelago for another year after returning to the archipelago. In the meantime, researchers are conducting a handful of information-gathering expeditions. Hawaii News Now reported aerial photographs taken after the storm resurfaced.

"We often underestimate the adaptability of wildlife," Littnan said. "There is a good side to that, it is that we all learn a lot about how to adapt to the future."

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