Israel Approves Controversial Law on "Jewish Nation"



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M. Netanyahu said the vote of the law was a "defining moment"

The Israeli parliament passed a controversial bill that defines the country as an exclusively Jewish state.

The "Jewish Nation-State" bill lowers Arabic as an official language and states that the advancement of Jewish settlement is a national interest. He also declares that "whole and unified" Jerusalem is his capital.

Israeli Arab MPs condemned the legislation, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed it as a "defining moment."

The bill, backed by the right-wing government of the country, says "Israel is the historic homeland of the Jews." Israel is 70 years old – seven major moments

  • Israeli Arab soldiers fighting for the Jewish State
  • It was adopted after a stormy session in the Knesset that lasted for more than eight hours, while sixty-two deputies voted for the bill, compared to 55.

    However, some clauses were dropped following objections from the President and the Attorney General of Israel, including a clause that would have enshrined in the law the creation of exclusively Jewish communities.The Israeli Arabs represent about 20% of the Israeli population of Israel. about nine million people.

    They have equal rights before the law, but have long complained that they are treated as second-class citizens. Arab MP Ahmed Tibi said the death of l oi represented the "death of democracy".

    Adalah, an Arab rights NGO, said the law was intended to promote "ethnic superiority by promoting

    . Last week, Mr. Netanyahu defended the law by saying," We will continue to guarantee civil rights in Israeli democracy, but the majority also has rights and the majority decides. "

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