Israel arrests Italian graffiti artists in West Bank: Palestinians


RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) – Israeli border police on Saturday arrested two Italian graffiti artists who were painting a wall of a jailed Palestinian teenager, Ahed Tamimi, on the Israeli separation barrier in Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, according to Palestinian officials.

Tamimi, now 17, was felt to be assaulted after being filmed and slapped by an Israeli soldier late last year, when she was 16. She was due to be released on Sunday.

Tamimi became a heroine to Palestinians after the Dec. 15 incident in the village of Nabi Saleh

An Israeli police spokesperson did not return a call for comment.

The Palestine Liberation Organization said on Twitter that Israeli forces arrested the two Italian artists and a Palestinian who was with

Israel maintains control over most of the West Bank, where the Palestinians have limited self-rule

Most countries consider Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be illegal, something Israel disputes

(Reporting by Ali Sawafta; Editing by Andrew Bolton)

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