Israel claims that Iran is behind rocket fire from Gaza in the night


Smoke rises from an explosion caused by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City Saturday. An Israeli plane hit several militant sites in the Gaza Strip on Saturday morning, shortly after militants fired rockets into southern Israel, the Israeli army said. (Hatem Moussa / AP)

JERUSALEM – Israel fought back on Saturday with air strikes against a rocket burst fired by militants from the Gaza Strip on its territory, claiming that it was holding Hamas, Gaza's leader, in charge of the outbreak and that it had been attacked. He had evidence that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Qods force was behind the last escalation.

Colonel Jonathan Conricus, spokesman for the Israeli army, said that military planes had hit more than 80 targets across the Palestinian enclave, including command posts, manufacturing facilities, and more. weapons and a four-storey building housing the general security agency Hamas.

"We hold Hamas responsible for everything that comes from Gaza," said Conricus. "All violence and provocation is the responsibility of Hamas. The recent humanitarian improvements should have allowed Hamas to contain the terror, but it helps maintain a violent atmosphere. "

Israel's policy of holding Hamas, the militant Islamist group that runs Gaza, is considered a terrorist organization by Israel and the United States, responsible for every round of violence, even though other factions in Gaza claim their acts. the attacks.

[Tensions rise as Gaza militants fire more than 70 mortars, rockets into Israel]

Conricus said the army was aware that Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the second largest militant group in Gaza, was behind the latest wave of rockets. He added that the group was working "under the direction, instructions and incentives of the Revolutionary Guards, the Quds Force based in Damascus".

The army later stated that eight of the targets it had hit belonged to the group.

Islamic Jihad immediately took responsibility for firing rockets, claiming that it was in response to "the pursuit of cold-blooded killings by the Israeli occupation and the continued flow of the blood of peaceful civilians" . On Saturday morning, the group issued another statement announcing a ceasefire.

Earlier Friday, Hamas' health ministry in Gaza said Israeli forces killed six Palestinians involved in ongoing protests at the border fence. Since March, more than 200 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli gunfire, as thousands of Gaza residents go to the fence every week to protest the deteriorating humanitarian conditions for the 2 million residents of Gaza. of the band and for the ten years of land, sea and community conflict. air blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt.

[Israelis kill more than 50 Palestinians in Gaza protests, health officials say]

Israel regards the demonstrations as riots and claims that its response is a justified defense of Israeli civilians living on the outskirts of Gaza. He accused Hamas of using mass demonstrations as a cover to infiltrate Israel and carry out terrorist attacks.

"We are not the aggressors. we defend our civilians, "said Conricus.

He added that the rockets on Friday night did not make any casualties on the Israeli side, most were intercepted by Iron Dome defense systems or falling into open areas. A mortar, however, would have caused significant damage to the Erez crossing, the main passage between Israel and Gaza used for humanitarian purposes.

An Israeli soldier was killed in July by sniper fire from Gaza, and last week's shootings, a family house in Beersheva, in southern Israel, was destroyed.

[Tensions escalate as Israeli jets pound targets in Gaza in response to rocket fire]

It seems that Egypt and some European states are participating in the ongoing mediation between the parties, but they have not yet yielded results.

In its statement, Islamic Jihad declared that it was Israel that "did not respect the laws and customs and continued to manipulate the lives of people subject to constant siege".

In recent months, Islamic Jihad has been facing a severe financial crisis that has not paid its workers or fighters. The group has relied heavily on Iranian funding in the past, but now Israel's arch-enemy has disapproved of the fact that the faction in Gaza is seeking a long-term deal with Israel – through indirect negotiations negotiated with Israel. Egypt – to restore calm.

The group has also recently elected a new secretary general, Ziad al-Nakhaleh, who has close ties to the Iranian regime.

Balousha contributed to this report from Gaza City.

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