Israel interceptor missile shoots down drone at Syrian frontier: witness


JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel's military said it had fired a missile at a drone that was approaching from Syria on Friday, and was witnessing the Syrian side of the frontier said the aircraft had been brought in.

The incident occurred Two days after an Israeli Patriot missile downed what the Israeli military said was a pilotless and unarmed Syrian reconnaissance aircraft near the Sea of ​​Galilee in northern Israel.

"A Patriot missile was launched towards a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) that approached from Syria, "a military statement said about Friday's interception. It was said more details would follow.

A witness on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights frontier said the aircraft had crashed.

Israel has been on alert as Syria President Bashar al-Assad's forces on the rebels the Golan Heights, much of which Israel captured from Syria in 1967 and annexed, in a move not recognized internationally.

Israel worries that Assad could let his Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah reinforcements entered into Israeli lines, or that Syrian forces may defy a 1974 Golan disengagement agreement

(Reporting by Jeffrey Heller and Tom Perry Editing by Kevin Liffey)

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