Israel launches vaccination program against measles – precision vaccines


On October 4, 2018, the Ministry of Health of the State of Israel announced that it would be forbidden for unvaccinated persons against measles to visit some hospitals in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh. Israel time.

The Ministry of Health said: "It will deny unvaccinated people access to the" sensitive "departments of hospitals, such as intensive care and cancer.

Measles has made an aggressive comeback this year in Israel, with more than 1,300 cases reported since the beginning of 2018, according to the Israeli Ministry of Health.

The measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is prevented, says the ministry.

In addition, the Ministry of Health said in a statement that Deputy Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman had approved the "intensive measures" that would be introduced in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods.

In addition, mobile vaccination clinics will be sent to the ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem, where the measles vaccination rate is about 50%.

The Ministry of Health said officials were considering taking other measures to fight the epidemic, including banning unvaccinated people from going to school.

According to the statement, Rabbi Litzman approved the allocation of additional resources to support the vaccination campaign and approved legislation that would increase the scope of the Ministry's vaccination.

The measles outbreak in Israel has spread to London and New York in recent weeks.

On Oct. 2, the New York City Department of Health announced that 17 children from the Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Williamsburg and Borough Park had recently contracted the measles virus.

And in the Jewish community of Rockland County, New York, more than 40 cases of measles have been confirmed.

In addition, according to this statement, "all schools in New Square Village and all schools with a vaccination rate below the vaccination rate of less than 70% in the geographic area affected by the measles epidemic will be held to keep students unvaccinated or under-vaccinated at home until the end of the years. 21 days have elapsed since the last confirmed case of measles in Rockland County. & # 39;

The New York Department of Health said the first cases of measles reported in New York were contracted by children during a recent visit to Israel.

In London, in the English quarter of Stanford Hill, several cases of measles have been reported. Local media reported that "many" children in the Jewish Orthodox neighborhood contracted measles.

According to Professor Shai Ashkenazi, director of the Israeli Pediatric Society, measles "was about to disappear, but, because of a drop in vaccination, she made a big comeback."

In the United States, as of October 6, 2018, 142 individual cases of measles have been confirmed in 25 states and in the District of Columbia.

The majority of people who contracted measles in 2018 were not vaccinated, says the CDC.

In the United States, two approved measles vaccines are available, MMR-II and ProQuad.

International travelers can request an appointment for the vaccine at a Vax-Before-Travel pharmacy.

The CDC Vaccine Price List provides private sector vaccine prices as general information.

Discounts on MMR vaccines can be found here.

Vaccines, like any medicine, can have side effects. We encourage you to report adverse reactions to vaccines to the FDA or CDC.

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