Israel strikes Palestinians by throwing fireballs at a demonstration of 10,000 people near the border between Gaza and Israel – Palestinians


An Israeli plane struck a group of Palestinians during the launch of incendiary balloons in Gaza on Friday afternoon as nearly 10,000 people demonstrated near the Gaza-Israel border fence. The Gaza Ministry of Health reported 52 wounded by live fire.

The protesters crossed the barrier towards Israel on three occasions, in any case by turning around.

Organizers of the protests have called on protesters to participate on Friday despite the decision announced earlier this week by the Israeli security cabinet to extend the army 's range to prevent Palestinians from trying to kill them. infiltrate Israeli territory.

A senior official of one of the Palestinian factions in Gaza, currently in talks with Hamas officials, told Haaretz that Hamas did not want to lose the trust it had built in Egypt and the cooperation it shares with the country. to limit the weekly violent protests to the borders of Israel.

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Hamas has not said whether it will take action to reduce the aggression or instead promote an escalation of protests that have been held every weekend for more than six months.

In recent days, Hamas officials have held talks with Egyptian intelligence officials who have visited the territory. According to the official, the evolution of these talks could also depend on the Israeli response to the demonstration on Friday.

The Egyptian delegation reportedly lobbied Hamas leaders to lower the level of violence along the border fence and to reduce the launch of kites and incendiary balloons.

Palestinian sources in Gaza said the delegation had sent messages from Israel about the implications of continuing protests along the border and attempts to cross the fence to enter Israel. At the same time, Hamas leaders made it clear that they could not prevent rallies and protests for so long that they were not taking concrete steps to ease the blockade of Gaza.

The Egyptian delegation arrived in Ramallah on Thursday night and met with senior Fatah leaders, including Majid Faraj, head of the Palestinian Authority's General Intelligence Service, and Fatah top official Azzam al-Ahmad, head of the Palestinian Authority. reconciliation between Hamas and the Palestinians. Authority.

The Palestinian Authority issued an announcement regarding the meeting, expressing appreciation for Egypt's efforts to advance reconciliation, but declined to provide details of the meeting.

The climbing began early Wednesday morning when a rocket launched from the Gaza Strip hit a house in Beer Sheva, in southern Israel. Another rocket landed in the sea near the largest metropolitan area of ​​Israel.

The army said it had hit 20 targets in Gaza in response, including a Hamas attack tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip.

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