Israel to punish Palestinian payments to prisoners' families


Jerusalem (AFP) – The Israeli parliament passed a law to freeze money transferred to the Palestinian Authority over its payments to families of Palestinians imprisoned for attacks against Israelis.

Legislation was passed Monday night giving the Israeli government the power to withhold money based on what is paid to prisoners and their families.

Israel Receives About $ 127 Million Per Month in Customs Duties on Goods Destined for Palestinian Markets Passing Through Israeli Ports Palestinian Authority

A Law Sponsor Says the Palestinian Authority Pays About $ 330 million a year to prisoners and their families, 7% of its budget.

Israel has refused payments in the past, particularly in response to the admission of Palestinians to UNESCO as a full member in 2011

When Israeli Ministers Supported New Legislation in February, Palestinians Israel believes that payments to families of Palestinians imprisoned for security offenses or killed by Israeli forces in the course of attacks encourage the continuation of violence

. Palestinians see prisoners and those killed in attacks as heroes or "martyrs" in the struggle against the Israeli occupation.

Payments can be an important source of income for families who have often lost their main breadwinner. 19659010] Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman welcomed the adoption of the new law: "All schekel (President) Mahmoud Abbas will pay for terrorists and assassins will be automatically removed from the budget of the Authority Palestinian. "

goes through the pocket – terrorists, their families and Mahmud Abbas. "

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