Israel will build new settlers' houses after a knife attack


Israel will build hundreds of new homes in a colony in the occupied West Bank where a Palestinian stabbed three Israelis, one of them fatally, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Friday (19659002) "The best response to terrorism is Settlement, "wrote Lieberman on Twitter, announcing the arrival of 400 new homes in the settlement of Adam north of Jerusalem, the day after the deadly attack perpetrated against him [19659003] 19659004] He stabbed three people seemingly at random before being shot.

The army named the deceased man as Yotam Ovadia, 31, with the Israeli media saying that he had two young children.

A 58-year-old victim It is said that he is seriously injured but stable.The third victim was slightly injured.

The attacker was identified later by the media Palestinian officials like Mohammed Dar Youssef, 17, from the village of Kobar.

The army said Friday that she had attacked the village, questioned a number of her During the Friday morning raid, clashes erupted between young Palestinians and soldiers firing tear gas [19659008] "The rioters threw big rocks and incendiary bombs and drove burning tires on the (Israeli) troops." The clashes were ended on Friday morning, an AFP photographer said, although The army established a checkpoint at the exit of the village

. According to the Palestinian news agency Wafa, three people were arrested.

The army added that she "strengthened the defense" of Adam and other colonies

– the barbarian attack of the United States –

Israel is considered illegal by the international community

Israel rejects the widely held view that settlement expansion is one of the biggest obstacles to peace with the Palestinians.

Attacks against Israelis in the West Bank are supported by many

US President Donald Trump's special envoy, Jason Greenblatt, has called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, whose Fatah movement is leading the government in the West Bank, to condemn the attack.

"Yet another barbaric attack tonight. When will President Abbas and Palestinian leaders condemn violence? ", He writes on Twitter

The administration of Abbas has not reacted, which cut ties with the Trump government over Israel

. several deadly attacks against Israelis in recent years in the West Bank, Jerusalem and elsewhere

The attack came after a period of relative calm in the West Bank.

The latest stabbing attack in a West Bank C colony was in April, when a Palestinian attempted to stab an Israeli with a screwdriver near a gas station in an industrial zone connected to the Maale Adumim colony east of Jerusalem.

In Gaza, there has been recurrent violence and Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip, in which at least 154 Palestinians have been killed since the end of March.

The Hamas Palestinian Islamist Movement, which heads Gaza, has vowed revenge Israeli strikes on the coastal enclave have killed a number of its members in recent weeks.

In a statement on Thursday night, Hamas hailed "the brave operation" in the West Bank without claiming responsibility. He is ready and able to avenge the blood of the martyrs, "he says.

Israeli security forces at the Adam settlement in the occupied West Bank on July 26, 2018, after an attack at the gun

with Palestinian protesters in Kobar village, occupied West Bank, on July 27, 2018

Palestinian protester throws stones at Israeli security forces during clashes in Kobar village, Occupied West Bank, July 27, 2018

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