Israeli-Arab relations warm up after a long frost


Omani Sultan Qaboos (left) and Benjamin Netanyahu (28/10/18)

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Omani Sultan welcomed Netanyahu despite lack of diplomatic relations

Israeli leaders often refer to the fact that their country is in a "difficult neighborhood", but recently, extraordinary signs of friendship have come to light with parts of the Arab world.

Late last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife met with the Sultan of Oman for an eight-hour surprise visit – the first of its kind in more than two decades.

There was a sumptuous dinner, Omani traditional music and what Mr. Netanyahu told his cabinet were "very important discussions", promising that other trips would follow.

Indeed, when he spoke, Israeli Minister of Sport and Culture Miri Regev participated in an international judo competition in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

She cried with joy when an Israeli athlete won a gold medal and the Israeli national anthem was played – something unheard of in the Arabian Peninsula.

Later, another Israeli official spoke of "peace and security" at an event organized in the Arab emirate of Dubai. At present, the Minister of Transport is in the Omani capital, Muscat, offering a railroad between Israel and the Arab countries.

All this despite the fact that Israel does not have official diplomatic relations with Oman or the United Arab Emirates.

"Contain Iran"

Like a large part of the Arab world, they have always fled the state created in 1948, leading to the first of a series of Arab-Israeli wars.

"These visits are extremely important because they really melt the ice," said former Israeli diplomat, Dore Gold, who said "symbolism is the key element".

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Israel, Saudi Arabia and Gulf states have accused Iran of fomenting unrest in the region

"Gulf Arabs and Israeli officials have been meeting for years – they know each other well – but there was a reluctance to take another step," he said. "Now it's changing."

  • Why Saudi Arabia and Iran are fierce rivals
  • Relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia emerge in broad daylight

The main reason is a concern shared by Iran. Israel, like many Arab Gulf states, is worried about Iran's ambitions and sees it as a destabilizing force in the Middle East.

Tehran has been directly involved in the conflicts in Syria and Iraq and supports rebels fighting in Yemen and militant groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The Trump administration – which also seeks to contain Iran – strongly supports closer ties between US allies in the Gulf and Israel.

The suspicious Palestinians

However, Palestinians are alarmed by the new alliances and are developing as President Trump promises to present his "Deal of the Century" plan to end their conflict with Israel.

They fear that his government is turning to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and others to urge them to accept a peace deal that does not meet their longstanding demands.

"This kind of attempt to normalize Israel in the region, without Israel normalizing its relations with Palestine and remaining an occupying power, is counterproductive and dangerous," said Hanan Ashrawi, a senior official in the region. the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

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Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas (right) traveled to Oman a few days after Israeli Prime Minister

She suggests that the latest developments threaten the legitimacy of the Arab Peace Initiative – to which the 22 members of the Arab League joined in 2002.

It offers Israel normal diplomatic relations only with the Arab states in exchange for its complete withdrawal from the Arab lands it captured and occupied during the 1967 Middle East war.

At present, Egypt and Jordan are the only Arab countries to recognize Israel.

The Israeli-Palestinian peace process has been stalled for a long time and last year there was another setback.

Palestinians – who want East Jerusalem to be the capital of their future state – have rejected President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

They cut ties with Washington, saying it was not an honest broker for peace.

Nevertheless, US envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, continues his shuttle diplomacy in the wider region – and he was enthusiastic about the Israeli Prime Minister's trip to Oman.

"This is a useful step for our peace efforts and it is essential to create an atmosphere of stability, security and prosperity between Israelis, Palestinians and their neighbors," he posted on Twitter.

Arab street

Analysts suggest that the crucial role attributed to Saudi Arabia in reviving the peace process has been questioned by the shocking murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul.

However, in another noteworthy move, Netanyahu's remarks on Friday seemed to show tacit support for the powerful Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, accused of playing a role in Khashoggi's death – what the kingdom has denied.

  • Khashoggi case: Will this change policy in the Middle East?

He said the murder of Mr. Khashoggi was "horrible" but that he should not be allowed to cause upheavals in Saudi Arabia "because the most important problem is Iran".

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Israel has declared that the stability of Saudi Arabia should be preserved as a result of the murder of Jamaal Khashoggi

Bahrain hailed Israel's "clear position" just as it had previously supported the fact that Oman is receiving the Israeli leader.

All of these signs of regional change are popular among ordinary Israelis and even Netanyahu's political rivals praised his progress in the Gulf.

However, it will be much harder to convince the Arab public – for whom the Palestinian problem remains very emotional – without a peace agreement.

So, for the moment, it is unlikely that the Arab countries will fully adhere to Israel. Instead, we should expect invitations, thankful gestures and warm handshakes that were previously unthinkable.

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