Israeli chief rabbi refuses to call the Pittsburgh massacre site a synagogue, because it is not an Orthodox – Israel News


Israel's top Ashkenazi rabbi was targeted on Sunday for refusing to acknowledge in a newspaper interview that the Pittsburgh massacre had been perpetrated in a synagogue.

In reporting this event, the country's ultra-Orthodox newspapers also refused to admit that it took place in a Jewish house of prayer because Tree of Life was a conservative congregation and they did not recognize unorthodox movements.

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In the interview granted to Makor Rishon, a popular newspaper in the modern Israeli Orthodox community, Rabbi David Lau stated that "any murder of a Jew in any part of the world to be Jewish is unforgivable". performed in a synagogue, he described the place as "place with a deep Jewish flavor".

Israeli Ashkenazi rabbi David Lau expresses at an event in Jerusalem in July 2018

Emil Salman

Responding on Twitter, Yizhar Hess, executive director of the conservative movement in Israel, rhetorically asked, "Really, Chief Rabbi of Israel? A place with a deep Jewish flavor? Maybe a synagogue?

Tomer Persico, an Israeli scholar of prominent religion, tweeted in response: "The Chief Rabbi Lau refuses to say that it was a synagogue. And it was while Jews were murdered while praying. "

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"Even on the halic plane, it's a synagogue," added Persico, referring to the fact that conservative Judaism follows halakha, Jewish religious law. "It's the face of the orthodox establishment: petty, detached, archaic and hateful."

The ultra-Orthodox newspapers in Israel have all reported on the attack, but have also refused to call Tree of Life a synagogue, preferring to call it the "Jewish center".

It is estimated that 18% of American Jews are affiliated with the conservative movement. Israel's refusal to recognize unorthodox movements is a major cause of tension with the Jewish diaspora.

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