Israeli strikes in Gaza kill three wounded soldiers


Gaza: Israeli strikes killed three Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday after one soldier was shot and wounded in a new outbreak of violence despite a ceasefire agreement negotiated by the Gaza Strip. # 39; UN. The Israeli army said the strikes targeting Islamist leaders in Gaza, Hamas, were in retaliation for firing against its soldiers along the border on Wednesday.

A soldier was wounded moderately and taken to the hospital. The latest bloodshed comes five days after the UN and Egypt negotiated an agreement to halt an outbreak of violence that once again raised the specter of a new conflict between Hamas and the United States. Israel

The Gaza Ministry of Health said in a statement that the Hamas military wing had hailed them as its fighters from the Shejaiya region of northern Gaza, claiming that they had been killed during an attack on one of their points of observation. 59007] The Israeli army has reportedly carried out artillery strikes against seven Hamas-owned military targets.

"Not long ago, terrorists shot Israeli soldiers in the southern Gaza Strip." "In response … the artillery has targeted seven military posts in Gaza belonging to the terrorist organization Hamas."

A Hamas spokesman said in a statement that the group "would not abandon its duty to defend and protect its people".

– "False alarm" –

Shortly after the Israeli strikes, sirens sounded near the Israeli city of Ashkelon near Gaza, according to the Israeli army.

There was no immediate confirmation of a rocket fire from Gaza, which usually triggers such sirens, and the army said it appeared to be a "false alarm" .

Other mermaids were reported later in the evening

Israeli media reported that Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman emergency meeting of a

shooting at the border was the second such incident reported by Israel within a few days.

The Israeli army said: "A Palestinian sniper in Gaza fired on IDF troops under cover of 20

On Friday, an Israeli soldier was shot at the border, setting off a violent wave of bombings in Gaza

It was the first time that an Israeli soldier had been killed in Gaza or around Gaza since the 2014 war between Hamas and the Jewish state. and aroused the fear of a new confrontation.

The violence ended on Friday after Egypt and the United Nations helped broker a ceasefire.The truce had largely existed, although young Palestinians have continued to attach incendiary devices to kites and balloons and try to get them across the border.

Kites have caused hundreds of fires in Israel in recent months Eli officials The number of bombs ince however, has decreased since the ceasefire.

Israeli politicians have called for tougher measures against those who launch kites and balloons. Israel and Hamas have waged three wars since 2008.

Tensions have increased since Palestinians began protesting along the Gaza border in late March, with Israeli forces killing 150 people since then. and events. Israel has maintained a crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip since 2007, which is necessary to isolate Hamas

United Nations officials and rights groups say that is tantamount to punishing the two million people. residents of the band and fueling poverty and radicalization. [ad_2]
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