Israeli teenager plunges 800 feet into death in Yosemite


An Israeli teenager visiting Yosemite National Park died Wednesday trying to take a selfie, according to a report.

Tomer Frankfurter, 18, a resident of Jerusalem, was on a two-month trip to the United States after his death, according to Israeli reports. He apparently died after diving more than 800 feet after leaving a cliff, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Frankfurter's mother confirmed the death of her son with the Israeli Foreign Ministry, the Times of Israel reported.

The ministry said Wednesday that the teenager's body was brought back to Israel for burial.

Yosemite National Park is no stranger to climbing-related deaths.

In June, two mountaineers died climbing the iconic Yosemite rock formation, El Capitan, while climbing, a technique in which climbers move simultaneously while being tied to the same rope.

Another hiker died in May while he was climbing the scenic Half Dome summit over the Yosemite Valley.

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