ISRO completes Chandrayaan-2 test and prepares for another mission on Moon


According to the official report, ISRO intends to launch Chandrayaan-2 in January 2019
According to the official report, ISRO intends to launch Chandrayaan-2 in January 2019

New Delhi : The highly reputed Indian Space Research Organization said Friday that it has successfully completed a small test of its Chandrayaan-2 lander. India is likely to be ready for the second lunar mission.

Named in honor of the father of the Indian space program Vikram Sarabhai, the lunar lander will perform various tests on the surface of the moon. "The reduced version of Chandrayaan-2 Lander Vikram is complete and the Lander Actuator Performance Test (LAPT) is essential to demonstrate the capabilities of Vikram's navigation, guidance and control system for a safe, soft landing. and accurate on the moon, "said ISRO in a statement. Release.

The last test was conducted to verify the effect of Earth's gravity relative to that of the Moon and to match the thrust generation of liquid engines at sea level with respect to flight engines, which will operate in an environment under vacuum, he said.

A source close to the project said the module was tied to a crane hook for testing at a special test facility at the ISRO propulsion complex at Mahendragiri in Tamil Nadu. This was the third test to demonstrate retargeting in a parabolic trajectory.

The LAPT demonstrated the capacity of the NGC system of & # 39; Vikram & # 39; to meet the requirement of the mission to land on the lunar surface safely and smoothly, by orienting the module horizontally and vertically towards a predefined goal, the statement said.

"Thanks to that, all the tests were done successfully, which is a major milestone in Chandrayaan-2 Lander," he said.

According to the official report, ISRO intends to launch Chandrayaan-2 in January of next year. The mission will have an orbiter, a lander and a rover. As a reminder, India has lunched its first Chandrayaan 1 in October 2008.

Scientists have discovered frozen water deposits in the darkest and coldest areas of the polar regions of the moon, using data from the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft, NASA's US space agency said earlier this month August.

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