ISS astronauts have a Thanksgiving meal in the space


Three astronauts from the International Space Station shared turkey and pie more than 250 km from Earth for Thanksgiving. In one clip, two of the flight engineers sent greetings. ( NASA )

Most people go home to their family for Thanksgiving. Others, however, simply can not attend the rallies as they are in the performance of their duties, including the astronauts of the International Space Station.

It has become a tradition to celebrate this important holiday with the most important people of his life, which means to be away from work to share with them the things he is grateful for. However, for some professions, especially astronauts, they have no choice but to stay and revel in their particular ways.

Expedition 57 Team

Three astronauts have not been able to spend the holidays with their loved ones, but that does not mean that they are not preparing for it in space. In a video shared by the ISS on November 21 on Twitter, 57 Shipping Commander, Alexander Gerst, and NASA's flight mechanic, Serena Auñon-Chancellor, greeted all the people present on Earth with a happy Thanksgiving.

The duo, along with Russian cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev, had to share a sumptuous meal sent in advance, consisting of yams, pastries and, of course, traditional turkey, even if it was only Chancellor Auñon who had observed Thanksgiving. in the old days. Gerst, a German, said that it was not the first time that he was celebrating this special day.

"Thanksgiving is a moment to spend with those you love, whoever it is, and so we will enjoy this meal together, but we will also remember our loved ones on the planet Earth," said Auñon-Chancellor.

Auñon-Chancellor and Gerst both had holidays, leaving Prokopyev alone to work during the holidays. Regular programming will be back on Friday, which means the three will be lax, a chance they can grab to catch up with their family and friends.


One of the benefits of celebrating Thanksgiving in the space? There will be more food for everyone. The best part? There are no dishes to wash.

Although these things seem exciting for everyone on Earth, there is a reason why there were only three ISS astronauts on board. NASA flight engineer Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin should have been in orbit, but a missile space rocket forced them to land just minutes after their takeoff on 11 October .

During an interview, Auñon-Chancellor confessed that even though the team wanted the two astronauts in the space, it is paramount to know that they are safe.

Photo: NASA Johnson | Flickr

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