It is expected that Alzheimer's disease and dementia will develop and could further affect minority groups


The burden of Alzheimer's disease and related dementia in the United States is expected to double by 2060, by which time it could affect nearly 14 million older Americans, according to a new article in a peer-reviewed journal .

The latest findings, although similar to other estimates of diseases and their growth, place particular emphasis on expected increases in minority populations.

In absolute numbers, non-Hispanic whites are expected to have the highest number of Alzheimer's and dementia cases in the coming decades. However, according to the study, these increases should slow down and even decrease by 2030, while diagnoses in minority populations should continue to grow.

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In particular, according to the latest projections, Americans of Hispanic history will experience the largest increase in cases of Alzheimer's disease and dementia in the coming decades.

These findings confirm that "culturally competent care for these groups will be of paramount importance," researchers discovered, including developing culturally appropriate materials and assessments, understanding the needs of a group of people. Diversified caregivers and people with dementia care providers. Early diagnosis has been shown to reduce the burden of these diseases, the article noted.

Alzheimer's disease and dementia describe severe declines in memory and other cognitive abilities; Aging is often, but not always, a risk factor for diseases.

According to the Alzheimer's Association, they constitute a major public health problem, killing more people in the United States than with breast and prostate cancer. Diseases also require significant and often unpaid care, presenting financial stressors and other major factors, which are only likely to grow with the increase in diagnoses. Although many efforts are underway to develop drugs that can prevent Alzheimer's disease, none has so far been successful.

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Thursday's study was published in the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia, published by the Alzheimer Society.

His analysis was based on the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias among Medicare beneficiaries, who had been specifically diagnosed by a physician in a medical setting, as well as by census projections.

See: 5 ways to fight against Alzheimer's disease – according to Bill Gates

However, the research has focused on patients benefiting from a health insurance scheme at the act, which could be a limitation if these diseases had a different prevalence in other countries. other models, noted the authors.

The claims data used by the study may also not be reliable, the authors noted; they also pointed out that the claims do not include patient demographics such as race and ethnicity.

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