It is the fastest camera in the world capable of shooting 10 trillion frames per second.


The rapid (and continuous) progress of science and technology has led to inventions that only a few years ago seemed impossible. Today, nothing seems surprising enough, from the light to the bells. But from time to time, something really amazing comes up and makes us gasp.

So you think your first-rate professional camera, with its fifty different shooting modes and advanced burst features, is the best on the market? Discover the T-CUP camera, the fastest camera in the world, capable of achieving 10,000 billion images per second. Yes, you read correctly!

Developed by Jinyang Liang (with his team), professor at INRS and specialist in high-speed imaging, and Lihong Wang from Caltech, T-CUP uses Compressed Ultrafast Photography technology.

As noted by American report, the unique device allows to freeze time (or at least to create its illusion), allowing phenomena such as light to be captured very slowly. Needless to say, T-CUP is intended solely for scientific and research purposes.

The camera uses lasers used at the INRS, which produce ultrashort pulses in the order of the femtosecond (a quadrillion second). Developed originally with a frame rate of 100 billion frames per second, the T-CUP system is based on a femtosecond scanning camera.

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"We knew that using only a femtosecond scanning camera, the quality of the image would be limited. So, to improve this, we have added another camera that acquires a static image. Combined with the image acquired by the femtosecond scanning camera, we can use what is called a radon transformation to get high quality images while recording ten trillion images per second. " Lihong Wang, a Bren professor of medical engineering and electrical engineering at Caltech, said. .

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