It must be hard to call himself Brett Kavanaugh now – and this tweet wire proves it


The last two weeks have been tough, so Brett Kavanagh turned to Twitter to let off steam.

No this Brett Kavanaugh. We mean Brett Kavanagh, without the "u".

A man who simply shares a very similar name with the controversial judge who was confirmed at the Supreme Court this weekend lamented how his name became unhappy in a tweet that has since taken off.

"It's a terrible time to be named Brett Kavanagh," he said in a statement. tweet who had collected more than a million "I like" Sunday night.

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He is not alone. A number of people – from the most famous Mike Pences to Siris, to Susan Collinses and Michael Cohens – who bear the same name as important personalities also expressed their woes in response to his tweet.

"Get used to twitter notifications", a user with the nickname @SteveBannon told Kavanagh.

"My parents would never have guessed what would happen to my name," proposed user Siri Ellis.

In the end, Kavanagh's message prompted a thread on Twitter with 10,000 comments, some from people @goodmikepence called "the club."

Alejandro Serrano can be reached at [email protected].

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