It starts to look a lot like an oil shock


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Bubbling Crude

Oil Becomes a Problem

Today But have recently reached their highest levels in nearly four years, more than doubled from the background of an accident a few years ago. Prices are not yet catastrophically high – at around $ 74 a barrel, they are still much lower than the $ 100 or so earlier this decade, when the economy was on a darker ground. (And if you want society to swear fossil fuels, then $ 74 is not high enough.)

But oil is expensive enough that many people, including the world's most important person, President Donald Trump, notice. Trump has tweeted his anger over this situation several times, including a recent statement that he had convinced Saudi Arabia to pump more oil. It's … not how it works; The friends of OPEC in Saudi Arabia must at least claim to agree with such a thing. And they recently agreed to pump more, partly in response to another Trump tweet. But oil prices exploded anyway, pushing up gas prices, "timed exquisitely for the half-time of November," Liam Denning writes . He notes that the entire episode illustrates how little Trump controls, or even understands, the oil market.

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